Season 1, Episode 56: On Fins and Needles

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"On Fins and Needles"
Episode 56
Air Date: May 5, 1994

You know, the first time I saw this episode, I thought it was a rehash of "Gung Ho!" from earlier in the season since the main plots are similar with both Tommy and Jason not being able to get along and working together. But in this episode, the difference is now both of them are under a spell and are constantly trying to fight other. I have to say for that fact alone, it makes the episode more entertaining because once again, it teaches a valuable lesson about fighting and rules about martial arts as well as using words to work it out before fighting. The episode starts with Tommy and Jason teaching a martial arts class to a bunch of kids and pretty much tell them that fighting is always the last resort; that using your words and not escalate a disagreement. Zack and Billy look on proud of both them. Meanwhile, Rita, back at the Moon Palace, Rita hates the fact Jason and Tommy are working so well together that she gets an idea to use her latest monster to put a spell on them to put them at odds. Uhh ohh!!!

As Tommy and Jason walk in the park, Rita sends a squad of Putties after them; so they can use the monster fin to put a spell on them. The Putties surround them and attack. One Puttie throws the fin at Tommy and he gets zapped. Jason quickly checks on him while fending off the rest of the Putties. Another Puttie throws the fin as Jason and he gets shocked too. The Puttie then vanish and do to the affects of the fin, Jason and Tommy begin verbally fighting to Rita's excitement. The next day Kimberly and Trini notice Tommy and Jason's fighting by trying to calm them down. Bulk and Skull also notice their fighting and of course try to instigate the whole thing. Luckily Ms. Applebee arrives and Kimberly comes up with an excuse that Jason and Tommy were just practicing their martial arts in the hallway. Jason and Tommy then go off; still fighting. Meanwhile, Rita gets Finster to put the finishing touches on the monster and releases the Slippery Shark onto Angel Grove as he begins to terrorize the town.

Meanwhile, Bulk and Skull are selling tickets to Jason and Tommy's fight as Alpha and Zordon figure out where the Rita's latest monster is.....clearly it's in the city guys jeeze!!! -_- Omg, so Jason and Tommy are about to fight for a room full of cheering people (Though, I have to wonder where Ernie is through all of this??? O_o) Luckily, the other teens arrive to try to stop Jason and Tommy with Zack reminding them of the lessons they taught their students but the spell has too strong of a hold on them while Bulk and Skull try to tell Zack to but out. Rightfully, Alpha and Zordon contact the rangers just in time as they head to the Command Center and Bulk and Skull have to handle a pissed off mob of people. At the Command Center, as Zordon briefs them about Slippery Shark; Zordon also reveals what's going on with them and how only they can break the spell by working together. Both Jason and Tommy eagerly morph and as soon as they arrive at the park, make it into a competition and split it. As the Slippery Shark bests the both of them and they grow more aggressive towards each other, Jason finally realizes they need to join forces with both plans they came up with to trap the shark as it borrows through the ground. Their plan works and the spell is immediately broken to everyone's excitement at the Command Center.

As the Slippery Shark gets the best of them, the other four rangers morph and join them. All 6 rangers face off against the monster and form their Power Blaster to finish it off. Rita, not wanting her monster to be destroyed, makes it grow during the rangers' blast (which makes for a hilarious visual). As the Shark grows and dodges the attack, the rangers immediately call their zords as well as the Dragonzord. They form the megazord and fight the monster; it at first being too fast for both the megazords. Luckily, Billy reminds them of teamwork and both megazords work together to break the monster's fin. The megazord then finishes off the monster with its Power Sword. The next day, Jason and Tommy continue to teach their martial arts class to the other teens being proud to see them finall working together again. Bulk and Skull, clothes ripped up, confront the two and make fools of themselves of course in front of everyone. Anyway, the episode was a solid one as I liked seeing Tommy and Jason at odds;  almost like this was a precursor to Austin St. John and Jason David Frank's real life feud! lol The lesson of the episode wasn't forced; even if it was kind of a reused one from "Gung Ho!" So overall, it was a solid entry in this very. long. season!!! Just 4 episodes left ya'll hold on! O_o

Final Morph: B+


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