Season 1, Episode 53: Fowl Play

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"Fowl Play"
Episode 53
Air Date: May 2, 1994

Well, I gotta say that I enjoyed Angela for once this season!!! I'm glad the writers made her MUCH less bitchy and snobbish than usual by actually making her into a person who is kind and considerate instead of self-centered, mean and condescending!!! So her and Zack are entertaining some kids with a magic show as Bulk and Skull but in and make fools of themselves to the kids' amusement. Angela is actually impressed by how Zack handles himself with kids and actually gives him a kiss after he gives her a rose. this the same damn character???! O_o Angela then walks away as the other teens are watching and congratulate Zack for finally getting that kiss from her. But Zack says it was just a "peck".....Leading a spying Rita to get an idea of what he latest monster should be. At this point, you can practically guess what it's going to be.

Meanwhile, the other teens head to the park while Zack says behind to be with Angela and the kids. During their walk there, they are attacked by a squad of Putties and begin fighting them. Meanwhile at the Juice Bar, Angela continues to tell Zack how impressed she is with Zack and the kids and is about to ask him out when they see on the TV that Angel Grove is being attacked by Rita's latest monster the Peckster, cause Zack got.....URGHHHHH!!! -_- Anyway not wanting to leave the kids and Angela unsure of where he went, he tricks Bulk and Skull into thinking he made him disappear by secretly telling them to say "You are a goon" and to everyone's surprise, he does! How did he do that!? O_O Anyway, the rangers are still at the park fighting the Putties as Zack contacts Zordon and he tells him about Rita's latest monster. He morphs and head to where the monster is causing destruction as a squad of Putties attack. After defeating them, the Peckster attacks Zack and they both fight until the Peckster retreats. Zordon contacts Zack and tells him to leave for the Peckster alone for now to not cause any suspicion about his whereabouts with Angela and the kids, so he teleports back to the Youth Center.

Meanwhile, after their fight with the Putties, Zordon contacts the rangers and they teleport to the Command Center. Zordon briefs them on the situation as usual and ask where Zack is. Zordon tells them he had to send him back to the Youth Center to protect his identity and they also aks about Tommy. But in another nice bit of continuity, Zordon reminds Kimberly that Tommy was conserve his energy so his powers don't run out. The rangers then morph into action and fight the Peckster...until a squad of Putties arrive and give them a challenge as well. Back at the Youth Center, Bulk and Skull are messing around by hitting on Angela and they accidentally say Zack; bring him back! WOW!!! o_o Anyway, Zack and the others continue to watch the report on the rangers fighting the Peckster when Zack gets some random idea.

Meanwhile, the other rangers are having trouble with the Peckster as his blasts and wings cause them a lot of trouble. Suddenly, when all hoe seems lost, Zack appears to kick some ass with...balloons??? O_O So he uses these balloons to trick the Peckster into getting his beak stuck into the black one...HEY!!! -_- Rita not liking this causes the monster to grow and the rangers call on their zords. The megazord is formed and they begin to fight. After a decent brawl, the rangers call on the Power Sword to defeat the monster with a finishing move.  Meanwhile at the Youth Center, everyone is watching the report of the rangers saving the day once again as they wonder where Zack went.....hmmmmmm!!! ;) The next day, Zack is eager for his date with Angela, but it turns out it was a day out with the kids for a Woody Wood Pecker movie marathon...ahahahahahah!!! God, this show was sooooooooooo corny!!! lol Anyway, this episode was enjoyable I guess, mostly because Angela acted like a person for once and not like a selfish cunt! The plot was meh though but then again, most of the plots this season have been meh but the action was decent and entertaining though.

Final Morph: B-


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