Season 1, Episode 47: Reign of the Jellyfish

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"Reign of The Jellyfish"
Episode 47
Air Date: February 16, 1994

You know, Rita's plans are becoming more and more dull with each episode. This time the rangers are busy putting their individual items for a time capsule with Billy putting the latest advanced technology, Trini putting in a newspaper, Kimberly of course, puts the latest fashion of the 90s, Jason puts in one of his karate trophies and Zack is always about the music...sigh! Oh and I won't mention Bulk and Skull wanting to put a big ass sandwich in a time capsule that 1) won't fit and 2) will decompose and form maggots and moths because of it. God, imagine the smell!!! God these guys are idiots!!! -_- Oh Ms. Applebee decides to put a picture of the Power Rangers so the future can know about these valiant heroes......awwwww, but don't worry, by the time that thing is dug out and opened they'll be like over 100 generations of Power Rangers!!! lol

But honestly, Rita's plan is dumb, she wants to put a picture of herself in the time capsule so the world knows of her evil......WOW....ok.....I mean, you could just put a spell on the time capsule and unleash all hell in the future but I guess that makes too much sense.  Meanwhile, the rangers are put in charge of digging the capsule because they're the top students of the, I'm not surprised. Back at the Moon Palace, the Jellyfish monster is made by Finster and Rita orders Squatt and Baboo to steal the time capsule from the rangers. At the park, before the teens can start digging, they are attacked by Putties. Cool Puttie fight with Ron Wasserman's "Combat" confidently plays into the background. Meanwhile, Squatt and Baboo don't have enough sense to teleport away with the time capsule immediately and get caught by the rangers after their fight with the Putties. They leave the capsule behind, teleport away and the rangers are left wondering what's going on. While Rita yells at her even dumber minions, she send Jellyfish down to attack. Zordon and Alpha are alerted to the situation and contact the rangers while they are digging. They morph into action and try to fight the Jellyfish but their suits aren't enough to handle his sting attack so they retreat for now.

Back at the Command Center, the rangers are given a special coating on their suits by Alpha to with stand the monster's sting and head back to battle the toxic creature. This time the monster is added by Putties and the rangers get to work. After the Putties are done, they manage to get the upper hand before it's monster growing time for Rita. The rangers summon their zords and a decent megazord fight ensues before the rangers summon the Power Sword and destroy him! Back at the Youth Center, the rangers are celebrating burying the time capsule while Bulk and Skull drop their huge sandwich on themselves in amazement. I got to say I love the moment when the rangers briefly talk about the future and their hopes for no prejudice, crime, war, hatred, etc. Ha!!! Should someone tell them about "Time Force"!!? lol

Anyway, this was a disposable episode! I hated Rita's plan, probably one of her worst ones yet! Stealing a time capsule and just putting a picture of yourself in there?! Trule Rita Repulsa is the most evil being in the universe. -_- Sheesh, when is Lord Zedd coming again??? O_o

Final Morph: D+


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