Season 1, Episode 46: To Flea Or Not To Flee

"To Flea Or Not To Flee"
Episode 46
Air Date: February 15, 1994

Meh!!! I guess this episode is alright....even if Rita's plan is once again laughable beyond comprehension!!! O_o  So Ernie's Juice Bar is in danger of shutting down as Jason and the others help him raise money. Too bad all they've got is enough to buy a sandwich and a soda apparently. Billy's on his incredibly dated labtop and tells the others in nerd speech that Ernie is pretty much broke. Jason soon arrives with a dog in his arms as he found him when he realized it was following him.  They all decide to take care of him until they can find his owner. Meanwhile, Rita like I said, gets an idea to create....her Fighting Flea...a monster that will make Jason itchy as well as the other rangers when they touch him....WOW......hahahaha! Anyway, Bulk and Skull, seeing the flyer for the missing dog, want to still the poor guy to make money off of the reward. Yeah, these two are sooooo redeemable at this point!!! *Shrugs*

Anyway, back at the Juice Bar, Ernie feeds the dog and is still bummed about his place about to close. Jason and Kim decide to take the dog to the park while Finster, back at the Moon Palace, makes the Fighting Flea.  Back at the park, Rita manages to send down the monster and hide it in the dog so it can infect Jason. While Jason starts scracthing up a storm, Bulk and Skull lure the dog away and steal it. Jesus!!! -_- While Kim and Jason look for the dog, a squad of Putties attack them. I LOVE how Jason decides to infect the other Putties with his itchiness. Did think about that did you Ritard! :P Anyway after the fight, the rangers regroup at the Command Center with Alpha examining the itch on Jason. Zordon concludes it's Rita's latest monster and Kimberly realize it must be on Jason's new dog. Alpha gives Jason a temporary antidote while Billy tries to come up with a permanent one at his home. Meanwhile, Trini and Zack will continue to look for the dog elsewhere. Got to love when Fighting Flea attacks Bulk and Skull, they leave the freakin' dog to fend for itself. Man, this guys are such a-holes!!! JESUS!!! -_-

Back at the park, Kimberly and Jason finally run into the Flea and morph.  They seem to be handling themselves well until the itch comes back on Jason.....which is hilarious seeing him jump and bounce around. HA!!! So Billy is still working on the permanent antidote when Trini and Zack find the dog back at the Youth Center. Thank God, that dog is smarter than Bulk and Skull!! :) Zordon then contacts them and tells them Jason and Kimberly need help. They morph into action, as well as Billy who completes the final antidote and regroups with the other rangers. While Billy gives Jason the cure, Trini and Zack fight the monster until Jason is cured. Jason attacks and seems to be having the advantage when Rita decides to make her monster grow! The rangers summon the zord and we get a decent zord vs monster battle. After the monster is destroyed, the teens head back to the Youth Center/Juice Bar where they are met by the dog's owner. She asks who found him and the teens kindly tell her Ernie did. She gives him a big check; one enough to save Ernie's Juice Bar from shutting down. Awww how sweet! Oh Bulk and Skull are now itchy for some reason (I thought destroying the monster would stop that but I guess not) and have to wear collars for a week to cure themselves.

"To Flea Or Not To Flee" is a pretty good episode. A solid sub plot under a ludicrous main plot with standing. I like the teens helping Ernie out as it felt more natural than shoving some moral message of the day down the kids' throats.

Final Morph: C+


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