Season 1, Episode 10: Happy Birthday, Zack!

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"Happy Birthday, Zack!"
Episode 10
Air Date: September 16, 1993

You know what other trope I hate in movies and TV shows??? The "How could they forget my birthday?" plot! It started with Sixteen Candles and everyone just started doing it right after the 80s.  The thing is it doesn't make sense why the rangers can't just tell Zack "Happy Birthday!" It's one thing to hide a surprise party from him but another to thing to act like you forgot one of your closest friends ', who you not only hang out with all the time but SAVE. THE. WORLD. with on a weekly basis, birthday! It makes NO. SENSE! After some dumb hijinks with Bulk and Skull again, Zack goes to the Youth Center to see that the place is empty and nobody's there except Ernie.  The next day at school, Kimberly just decides to lie and tell Zack she forgot to get a birthday present for her dog!! Great job Kim, now he's bummed out and pissed that you forgot his birthday when you could have just said "Happy Birthday" and kept it moving.  Then she has to nerve to ask the others if they should still have the surprise party since he seems so sad now!?! -_- Well of course, you vapid whore, you just pretended to forget about his birthday, let's just forget about the only thing that will make him happy now!! Ugghhh!! -_-

Anyway, Rita's plan for the episode is to surprise Zack with a birthday gift of her own with a new monster: The Knasty Knight! Despite the lame name (hey, that rhymed! :), Knasty Knight is actually the most impressive looking and dangerous monster yet.  His fight with Zack is brutal as well as his other abilities. Definitely one of my favorite one off monsters of the week.  As Zack gets his ass kicked, Zordon and Alpha contact the rangers about Zack and they morph into action (That morph call STILL needs work after 10 episodes, but we'll get there. SIGH!) The rangers join Zack for an awesome 5 vs 1 fight as the Knasty f%^&s up their weapons. Even their triangle blast formation is no match for him. Time for the monster to grow and the rangers summon their zords! This zord battle is sexy! lol I'm kidding but the Knight again shows he is a tough fighter. He damages the Power Sword and before he gets the word from Rita to finally destroy them, Zack figures out that he's using their power against them, so they must do the same but with even more power....SURE!!! O_o

The megazord recovers and the sword is all nice and new for the finishing move. Bye Bye, Knasty Knight!  Rita is pissed and yells at her minions as usual. It's just fun when she calls Squatt and Baboo nitwits! :)  As the episode concludes, the rangers finally surprise Zack with the party and as Jason, Zack, Trini and Kimberly boogie, Ernie and Billy once again are owned by the Cake-O-Matic.

This was a good episode with some great action even if the plot was ludicrous. Seriously, Kimberly is really dumb for pretending to forget Zack's birthday but everything else, outside episode 10 of Bulk and Skull's stupidity, was cool. :)

Final Morph: B


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