Season 1, Episode 29: Island of Illusion, Part 2

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"Island of Illusion, Part 2"
Episode 29
Air Date: November 3,1993

I gotta say, I'm deeply disappointed by Part 2! What started as a terrific plan for Rita and a new dangerous scenario for the rangers turns out to be a mildly entertaining first clip show for the franchise. As Zack continues to fade away, the rangers ask for the assistance of the little guy who said he hated Rita and he appears. Quagmire (Giggaty!!! ;) tells Zack a rhyme and the rangers come to the conclusion that a happy thought (What is this??/Peter Pan?!! O_o) will stop him from vanishing. So he does, remembering his fight with Knasty Knight and how he defeated him. Yay!!! He's saved! Next Kimberly's fear is up....and it's most disappointing of them all!!! It isn't some deep insight into her character, it's just another chance for the writers to force Bulk and Skull down our throats again! So Kim is afraid of Bulk and Skull being nice??!! That's her greatest fear??? O_O I just.....anyway, Quagmire makes her remember her fight with Terror Toad and how she won, saving her.

Next is Tommy, who sees the rangers as Putties. I love how he kicked Billy's ass with one kick! LOL But Tommy's fear is so exaggerated. Talking about their being too many and a zillion Putties coming at him??? Ummmmm, there are clearly on 5 and you've beaten the Putties before in larger numbers you imbecile!!! -_- Tommy's memory sucks and I'm gonna skip over it! Wow, you defeated some Putties, you truly are a badass...NOT!!! At least not in this episode anyway!  Next is Trini and Billy where their fears actually make sense. Trini fears sees next naturally and Quagmire (Giggaty) pops in to remind her how she overcame her fear of heights as she relives it in front of the rangers. Then comes Billy who feels his scientific mind should have helped in some way, but old Q boy reminds Billy about how he beat Madam Woe....after she kicked his asses...A LOT but ok, it works!

Last is Jason, who Goldar makes feels bad about not being a good leader as he starts to fade away. Jason then envisions the other rangers vanishing into thin air and believes he failed them. But old Q man's voice echoes inside his head and Jason flashes back to his fight with King Sphinx and how he defeated him. Jason's back YAY!!! Their communicators and Power coins return to them; turns out; Rit is pissed that her plan failed...again!! Funny how that always happens!! She grabs the island and shakes it up; planning to destroy it. So....why didn't she just do that before!!!?? -_- Anyway, the island shaking alerts the rangers that they need to get the hell out of there and they morph; teleporting out just in time before the island is destroyed. Awwww, what about Quagmire!!! :(

The rangers escape back into their zords and they continue the fight against the monster and Lokar; Rita watching in shock that they made it!! Well maybe if you destroyed the island at first the whole time, they would have you cone bra nut!! -_- This fight is actually pretty awesome as we get to see a new formation of Mega Dragonzord that kicks the monster's ass and destroys it. Then the Ultrazord is formed and they send Lokar packing as he escapes to the rangers shock. Rita teleports away since she lost again. You're probably wondering what have Zordon and Alpha have been doing throughout all this...that another reason this episode disappointed me!

Finally, it's the dance contest time and Bulk and Skull suck at dancing!! HAHAHAHA!! Anyway! -_- Zack is given some pep talk from his friends and he kills it with some of the most 90s dance moves I've ever seen!! The rangers notice the music is awesome and realize the DJ is....Who else but Quagmire!? :) "It's Quagmire, Quagmire, giggaty, giggaty, giggaty, let's have SEX!!!" ;) Zack wins the the contest....YAY!!! Now it's time to really party! Great.....

This episode isn't bad, it's just like I said a weak resolution of what was pretty well set up in Part 1.  This is basically a clip show in the middle of probably one of the rangers toughest and scariest situation and some moments are played for cheap laughs. Kimberly's fear is laughable and not in a good way. So Rita making Bulk and Skull good is SO scary and impossible it makes Kimberly doubt herself. I'm sorry...HUH!!? Yeah, because all the things Rita has done now from making monsters grow, turning Tommy evil, etc. are in the realm of possibility but Bulk and Skull turning good....nope, that's where she draws the line and doubts herself. Also, I hate that while all this is going on, Zordon and Alpha trying to get in contact with the rangers' is also played from laughs!! Like the tone of the episode feels off with what's going on being the rangers being so serious yet their mentor and his faithful side chick are being made to look incompetent for laughs! URGH!!! The final fight is cool but only because something is finally happening besides flashbacks to earlier episodes and some random (if not awesome) new character singing rhymes to get the rangers out of danger. Also, wouldn't it have been nice to see the rangers face these fears without a random new character's help. Like why not have them naturally remember these previous fights that inspired them to believe in themselves instead Quagmire having to save them. It makes the rangers look kind of useless without their powers when they have been shown to be brave, smart, wise, agile, etc. without them. I mean that's the reason Zordon chose them right? Anyway....

Final Morph: C-


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