Season 7, Episode 9: The Magna Defender

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"The Magna Defender"
Episode 9
Air Date: April 3rd, 1999

So long Furio and good riddance!!! For such a powerful villain, not to mention a character from Megaranger that was used for this show, the writers never did much with Furio.  Outside of killing Mike, he never really beat the rangers in a fight or scored anymore victories.  He was kinda like what Linkara said, a low rate Goldar. Anyway, after he tries to kill himself and Leo (Seriously Leo only goes to the cave because that was apparently the last time he saw Mike, which makes NO SENSE, since the last time he saw Mike was on Mirinoi! -_-) Anyway, when the rangers try to find Leo, they arrive just as the explosion happens and Furio is destroyed. But then some a strange man in a cape walks out with Leo and puts him down as the rangers witness the arrival of the Magna Defender.

The Magna Defender is quite the epic looking character as I have always loved his design from the get go!!! He comes in seeking vengeance against Scorpius for reasons unknown at the moment and he's also eager to find the Lights of Orion as well.  Meanwhile, a new general arrives onto the Scorpion Stinger, a duplicitous warrior named Treachron, who apparently knows the Magna Defender has returned and plans to continue their 3,000 year old rivalry! Jesus, what a coincidence and waaaayyy to hold a grudge for so long guys!!! Anyway, an injured Leo wakes up in the Megaship after having a memory of looking up at the Magna Defender and seeing his brother for some reason.  Against Alpha's concern, he returns to the cave where some random monster we never see again leaves in the middle of breaking into some stone when Leo calls out.  Leo soon breaks the stone with his Quasar Saber revealing some type of stone egg?? O_o Anyway, he brings it to Kendrix to see what it is but she can't seem to open it.  As she takes to another lab, she is attacked by a monster named Ruptor.  He takes the stone egg but is soon blasted himself by the badass arrival of the Magna Defender.  As Kendrix regains the stone egg, the Magna Defender tries to take it from her by force when the other rangers arrived morphed. When they ask him who he is, the Magna Defender just brushes it off as he wants to egg for himself since they contain the Lights of Orion but Ruptor takes the opportunity to blast them and steal the stone egg back.  As everyone recovers, Leo once again tries to stop the Magna Defender for questions but he just punches him in the stomach. HA!!! I like this guy already! :) When Kendrix asks why he wants the lights, he just says he has his reason in his deep, raspy voice.

With the Magna Defender back and the villains unable to open the stone egg, they set a trap for the rangers by having them attack another monster named Samuron, who uses the stone egg as a target for the rangers' Quasar Launchers but it just deflects the multiple blasts right back at them.  Soon, the Magna Defender arrives once again as 2 badass entrances weren't enough! His theme is also superbly done, sounding like a classic western theme which surprisingly fits the character.  As Trakeena and Treachon watch as he runs through the Sting Wingers with ease, Samuron prepares to take him on as well but he is easily defeated by the Magna Defender who does a wonderful finishing move that destroys him.  Turns out the lights weren't in the egg (What a surprise?! -_-) as Treachron prepares to fight the Magna Defender after 3,000 years.  Turns out, the Magna Defender was the one who freed the lights over 3,000 years ago before Treachron struck him down in his weakened state as he fell into a crevice in the Earth. As the two draw their swords and fight, the rangers try to intervene but the Magna Defender just stops them and continues his fight with Treachron.  Meanwhile, Ruptor makes himself grow as the rangers have no choice but to call their zords and fight him.  They summon their Galactazords and we see them for the first time attack a monster individually before forming the Galaxy Megazord.  As the rangers defeat the monster with the Condo Galactazord finisher, Treahron and the Magna Defender end their fight when the rangers soon arrive. The episode ends with the Magna Defender brushes off the rangers offer to work together as he leaps on to a cliff and Leo is disappointed as he though the Magna Defender might have been his brother. All and All, this was a fine episode that moved the arc along even though that arc continues to make no sense, but the Magna Defender's arrival definitely adds some excitement to the arc despite that.

Final Morph: B


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