Season 7, Episode 14: Shark Attack

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"Shark Attack"
Episode 14
Air Date: May 15th, 1999

Well, I'm glad Treacheron finally decided to take his vengeance against Trakeena once he found out from the Shark Brothers that she was the one who set him up. Shows that Treacheron is quite the crafty one as he forms a plan to set up Trakeena by revealing her to be a fool as he escapes his prison.  I like how we are getting a bit of infighting here....or at least we were until the rangers decided to attack when Treacheron was about to attack Trakeena! Dammit!!! What follows next though is just awesome as the Magna Defender tries to take out Trakeena as his back up plan to get revenge on Scorpius.  I just love how the Magna is about to cross the line and take Scorpius' child from him like Scorpius did to him.   I wonder why this wasn't the Magna Defender's original plan as it makes more sense than chasing after the Lights he set free 3,000 years ago??? Yeah, why did he let them go if he needed him for his revenge??? O_O

Anyway, before the Magna Defender can strike Trakeena, he cries out in pain again as she gets away.  It seems that Mike is some how inside of him as he tells him to embrace the good. While Leo is fighting Treacheron, he also hears Mike's voice....for some's never explained as usual...but Treacheron takes the opportunity while Leo is distracted to severely injure him.  Meanwhile, Treacheron and the Shark Brothers reunite in some random Japanese temple where Treacheron begins forming a plan to get back into Scorpius' good graces by setting a trap for the rangers.  Apparently, the Lights of Orion can only work when all 5 are present as we get confirmation when the 4 rangers minus Leo try to activate them.  It makes sense since the lights divided into 5 parts for each ranger.  With Leo stuck behind healing in the Megaship's infirmary, the other 4 rangers struggle to battle Treacheron and the Shark Brothers. As Leo sleeps, Mike contacts him in his dreams that the rangers need help. So Leo is Maya now??? Having random psychic dreams of supposedly dead people talking to him! BAHHHH!!! Anway, Leo wakes to aid his friends.

As the 4 rangers are getting their asses kicked, Leo arrives to help as the 5 can now activate the Lights of Orion and use its immense power to blast the Shark Brothers.  But Treacheron has other plans as he confronts Leo for a solo match until the end.  This is an awesome fight between the two that unfortunately ends with Treacheron's brutal and very emotional demise.  I feel bad for the Shark Brothers as they seemed to be really close to Treacheron.  Not to mention, Treacherone was starting to become a very interesting villain with his revenge against Trakeena and suddenly, he's gone? Sheesh!! O_o  Anyway, after Treacheron's destruction, the Shark Brothers grow to destroy the rangers in his honor while the rangers call on the Galactabeasts that transform into the Galaxy Megazord.  But before the fight can begin, the Lights of Orion also upgrade the megazord and it looks stunning! Can the upgraded version be the default look for the Galaxy Megazord??? Anyway, it's a quick defeat of Shark Brothers as the power up mode of the megazord's saber kills them in a instance.  The episode ends with Trakeena trying to be the next general for her father but him knowing she's too weak to fight while Maya is convinced Leo is right about Mike being alive. All and All, a fun and fantastically action packed episode. We get bits of the Magna Defender's storyline, more Lights of Orion action and a great final fight between Leo and Treacheron! :)

Final Morph: A-


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