Season 7, Episode 8: The Blue Crush

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"The Blue Crush"
Episode 8
Air Date: March 27th, 1999

Ah yes, the Lights of Orion arc continues to make no sense!!! The Lights are now in the somewhere in the soil of Terra Venture??? I just....sigh....anyway, Kai is forced to babysit Commander Stanton's daughter, Jodie by taking her out to the skating rink and recording her.  Aww, how cute....and potential pedophilia looking depending on who's watching!!! O_o Anyway, there Kai runs into a girl named Hannah that Jodie knows and immediately develops a crush on her, hence the title.  It's nice seeing this side of Kai, all goofy, acting silly and in a daze around Hannah or the other rangers cause he can't stop thinking about her practically.  But of course, when he tries to get to know her, he discovers that she might be engage when her fiance is in danger when the colony is under attack.  I know how that feels man damn! To fall so hard to have your heart ripped out that all you feel is the pain and you just want to satisfy it by giving into the anger.  I mean how else do you explain Kai's furious morph sequence, which was kind of awesome at the same time.

Anyway, the rangers in the meantime are dealing with Quakemaker as he keeps creating devastating quakes all over the colony to find the lights. May I go into a rant again, if you don't mind, but I wonder what the writers were thinking at this point with this arc because it's seriously a f%^&ing joke at this point.  I swear the individual ranger centered stories are becoming far more interesting than this severely problematic arc that doesn't know what to do with itself.  It's like the writers are meandering through the material they were given but it just doesn't work as the lights should have been something created on Terra Venture instead of being some mythical, powerful energy source no one can seem to give us more detail about. When were the Lights created??? Who was made to guard it??? Why are there vague explanations of where it might be??? Usually the writers are excellent with this time of information and I'm not asking them to give it to all of us at once but give us SOMETHING to make this arc make sense instead of painfully head-scratching.

Anyway, after Kai owns Quakemaker, he just grows out of no where because there seems to be no real official monster growing method this season.  Something the monster drink booze, most of the time they just randomly grow! Arrggghhh!!! -_-  Anyway, after calling on the Gorilla Galactabeast to fight Quakemaker, the rest of the rangers call the other Galactabeasts to turn into the Galactazords to form the Galaxy Megazord.  After another anti-climatic zord battle, Scorpius plans to eliminated Furio for failing so many time...FINALLY!!! You only gave him a billion chances too many!!! Furio escapes and makes his way to some random cave where he thinks the Lights might be!!! All and All, "The Blue Crush" is a pretty good episode cause of Kai and his romantic dilemma! I'm glad the episode ended with Hannah being the bridesmaid, not the wife of Johnny. Too bad we never see her again! Would have been a nice recurring romance for poor Kai. Sigh.

Final Morph: B-


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