Season 7, Episode 5: Homesick

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Episode 5
Air Date: February 27th, 1999

Well, after 4 episodes, we finally get the debut of the Galaxy Megazord!!! And it's debut is very short lived as it destroys the monster of the day, Gasser, in like half a second....well that was anti-climatic! O_o But the debut of the Galaxy Rangers' primary megazord. YAYYYY!!! I hope you know that I'm stalling because I REALLY don't want to talk about the main plot of this episode! O_O But if I have to, the episode begins with some random kid named breaking into the navigation system of Terra Venture and stopping the engines. After being caught by Kai, Damon and two security guards, Commander Stanton confronts the boy named Matthew who reveals he was trying to stop the space colony because he wants to go back home since he also stowaway onto Terra Venture. Seriously, the security on Terra Venture sucks!!! O_o First Leo and now this kid??? Also, apparently every person on Terra Venture is suppose to have an ID but then how does Leo get away with being there??? Also, shouldn't they have checked the passports of the people that arrived on the space colony??? Seriously, the minor plotholes are piling up this season so far!!! -_-

Anyway, after getting in contact with his mother and saying their goodbyes, Matthew is unfortunately stuck there and must find his place among the colony. Meanwhile, Scorpius orders Furio to attack Terra Venture as he sends Gasser to unleash his red gas all over the colony that begins to knock people out. We get a nice moment between Damon and Matthew about missing their families until Damon is called away to action with the other rangers.  While the rangers struggle to deal with Gasser, the gas continues to spread throughout Terra Venture until Matthew is the only one unaffected thanks to his gas suit.  But there's a rip in it that he must cover as Furio makes his way to the Control Tower of the colony.  After almost getting caught, Matthew makes his way to the tower as Sting Wingers discover him and follow him. He barely makes it to the tower as Furio and the Sting Wingers soon enter the elevator after.  Matthew once again uses his hacking skills to stop the elevator as Furio and the Sting Wingers are now stuck.....which makes no sense since they can you know...TELEPORT!!! -_-

Anyway, this episode also introduces the aforementioned Jet Jammers, which are basically like the Galaxy Gliders for the Galaxy Rangers only they are equipped with blasters.  The rangers use the Jet Jammers to head to the Control Tower but not before blasting some Sting Wingers on their trail. As they reach the Control Tower, they discover everyone asleep as well as Matthew. Next, they head back to fight Gasser but his gas is too strong but I don't get it as the rangers are wearing helmets! Shouldn't they be protecting them from the gas??? O_o Ehhh anyway, the Galactabeasts soon arrive to suck up all the gas which leads to Gasser's hilarious reaction as well as the Galactabeasts turning into stone. As the colony's colonists wake up, the rangers get the idea to use the Transdaggers to give the Galacbeasts enough power to free them.  But it not only returns them back to normal but gives them enough power to turn into Galactazords! Aka finally form the Galaxy Megazord like I said! I gotta say the Galactazords are cooler versions of the Galactabeasts as even the usual horrid looking Wild Cat Galactabeast looks nice in her zord form. But like I said, the first official zord battle is a literally blink and you'll miss it fight. So anti-climatic and lame! -_- Anywy, after Matthew is rewarded the metal of honor by the Commander, Damon gets the idea to have the rangers bring him home due to his courage and honor.....although, there's yet another plot hole about how far are they from Earth though? I mean even in the Astro Megaship, that gotta be a long trip back and forth! Ehhh, anyway, "Homesick" is rather mediocre! Not terrible but not quite good either. I'm just ready for the plot and arcs of the season to begin already! :)

Final Morph: C-


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