Season 7, Episode 42: Escape The Lost Galaxy

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"Escape The Lost Galaxy"
Episode 42
Air Date: December 3rd, 1999

As the Lost Galaxy arc FINALLY draws to a close, we get one of the show's finest hours as Mike once again proves himself be such a valiant ally to the rangers he goes on his final mission as the Magna Defender.  Once again, the season's ever so present theme of sacrifice is brought to the forefront as Mike sneaks into Captain Mutiny's slave camp.  There he quickly meets a slave girl named Hayley as well as her grandfather. Mike tries his best to help her but at first she doesn't want it as it could get both of them killed.  But when Mike aids her grandfather by giving him all the treasure he found, Barbarax catches Mike with his bucket empty.  Hayley comes to his defense and Barbarax spares both of them for now.  Meanwhile, Leo and Kai go to the Galaxy Book for answers to how to get back to their own galaxy.  Kai tries reading the incantation that Deviot once spoke but nothing happens.  When Kai mentions they need to reverse the spell, Leo says they should read the incantation backwards! As Kai writers the incantation backwards, he and Leo begin to say it as the book begins to light up.  When Leo is hilariously afraid to continue, Kai finishes the incantation as lightning fires from the book and disappears into space.  As Leo and Kai check for where the book went, they see a portal open back to their galaxy.

Commander Stanton soon discovers the portal's reopening and tells his men to prepare to leave the Lost Galaxy! Meanwhile, as the slaves head back to their cells, Mike takes himself and Hayley out of the line.  Her grandfather distracts the Swabbies by trying to steal some water and Barbarax orders him to be taken away.  As all the slaves are put back into their cells, Mike and Hayley make their way close to a hiding spot.  Mike contacts Leo and tells the rangers to be ready in 30 minutes for the rest of his plan.  Mike and Hayley fight their way through some Swabbies to get the keys and free all the slaves.  As the slaves make their way out of the camp, the rangers arrive with the Astro Megaship help all the slaves escape.  As Leo tells Mike the portal out of the Lost Galaxy has opened, Hayley goes off to try to find her father; even asking a slave we saw before where he is.  Mike runs off after her as he helps her get her grandfather back.  But on their way back to the Megaship, Barbarax intervenes; leading Mike to morph into the Magna Defender to Hayley and her grandfather's shock.  As they head back to the Megaship, Leo helps them aboard as Mike finishes off Barbarax.

As the Megaship takes off, Captain Mutiny prepares to fire at them but Mike stops him in time so they can get away.  But Mutiny fires at Mike instead as he falls down a hill and demoprhs; left unconscious and to die as Captain Mutiny chases after his slaves.  Soon the spirit of the Magna Defender arrives to tell Mike he must wake up as his greatest mission as the Magna Defender lies ahead.  As the Megaship heads toward Terra Venture, which is close to the portal, Hayley tells the rangers Mike isn't on the ship to Leo's fear.  Suddenly, the Defender Torozord arrives to hold the portal open as it begins to close but the power from the portal is too much for the megazord; destroying Mike with it.  Leo, of course, is devastated as the Megaship lands back on Terra Venture, which makes it through the portal.  As everyone celebrates, Captain Mutiny's castle has also made it through the portal.....but is suddenly grabbed by the Scorpion Stinger as Trakeena destroys them. GOD, I MISSED HER!!! :) Leo searches for Mike and finds him just floating around in the vacuum of space......ignoring basic science...Mike survives all this as Leo brings him back to the Megaship.  As Mike comes to, Hayley thanks him for saving their lives as she feels free.  She apologizes for Mike losing his powers but he is confident as that's what they were used for as the Magna Defender thanks him for keeping his legacy alive! Overall, a phenomenal end to a very uneven arc.  I loved the focus on Mike and the mini story with Hayley and her grandfather.  The Lost Galaxy villains meet a very anti-climatic end but then again, they weren't great villains to begin with so who cares! Next up! Final Time!!! Yayyy!!! :)

Final Morph: A


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