Season 7, Episode 31: The Power of Pink

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"The Power of Pink"
Episode 31
Air Date: November 5th, 1999

You know I remember back in the day when Power Rangers use to have devastating episodes!!! Now a days, there seems to be no stakes anymore in these newer seasons!!! Sure we get big battles and world threatening events happening, but there's no sense of loss or possible defeat in the face of victory.  "The Power of Pink" continues where the last episode left off but ups the stakes even more as a ranger's life is literally at stake and the final conclusion of that life leads to one of the most tragic moments of the franchise.  As you know, Psycho Pink survived being destroyed by both the Space and Galaxy Rangers, which really shows just how powerful the Psychos are if even ONE of them could survive ALL that! YIKES!!! O_O Trakeena wants Psycho Pink to destroy all 10 rangers but Psycho Pink, not letting go of her obsession to kill the Pink Ranger(s), wants to go after them.  I love how she crushes her collar and aims her bow and arrow at Trakeena.  But in an awesome moment, Villamax saves her with his sword as Psych Pink retreats.  But Trakeena lets her go as she will deal with the Pink Rangers while they will deal with the rest.

Meanwhile on Terra Venture, Kendrix is doing more research on the Galaxy Book and discovers the whereabouts of the Savage Sword, a weapon more powerful than ALL of the Quasar Sabers combined! Ok, WOW!!! O_O How convenient that the sword is apparently near Terra Venture on a planet called Rashawn.  Psycho Pink is also on the colony and uses Terra Venture's computers to make her way into the computer Kendrix is using.  She reveals herself by coming out of the computer screen and absorbing information from Kendrix's mind like she did to Cassie last season.  With now the knowledge of the Savage Sword, Kendrix races to stop her and runs into Cassie on the way; telling her what just happened.  As both rangers arrive to stop her, they morph and attack but Psycho Pink gets away to Kendrix's frustration.  As the Pink Rangers rush off to Rashawn to stop Psycho Pink, they inform the other rangers but before they can head out to help, a school of Sting Wingers arrive to delay them.  On Rashawn, Psycho Pink arrives and finds the Savage Sword just as Cassie and Kendrix try to stop her.  As she pulls the sword out, she begins to attack them both; striking Cassie multiple times which makes the sword grow in size each time! This is just a hard fight to watch as both Kendrix and especially Cassie get their asses owned.  Cassie finally demorphs after taking too many shots from the sword.  Psycho Pink then uses to sword on her morpher when is falls next to her.  She smashes the morpher with the sword causing a major energy vortex that's so big and powerful; it begins to effect Terra Venture.

As the vortex grows more powerful, it gives Psycho Pink enough power to morph into her monster form.  While Kendrix tries to defend Cassie, who's being hurt by the energy drain of her morpher, Psycho Pink grows and prepares to destroy them if not for the final arrival of the rest of the rangers in the Galaxy Megazord!  The Space Rangers even form the Astro Megazord.  It's not the most epic fight but it's just awesome to see both megazords fighting together in American footage.  As Cassie continues to cry out in pain, Kendrix decides to enter the cyclone to try to destroy the sword.  It's not easy as everytime she gets closer, she gets blasted very hard but she pulls through enough to make her way to the center.  Man, this is all so intense and heartbreaking, especially Patricia Ja Lee's performance during all this.  After the megazord's destroy Psycho Pink for good, the other rangers try to stop Kendrix as well as Cassie but it's too late.  Kendrix destroys the savage sword and in doing so.....sigh....kills herself; making her the first official ranger to fall in battle!  Like I said, it's a devastating moment; added by the desperation of everyone to stop Kendrix.  Watching a ghost Kendrix say goodbye to everyone is so saddening, especially Cassie who takes it hard as he morpher recovers.  Also, the Pink Quasar Saber just leaves; heading off into parts unknown.

The ending between both ranger team-up is pretty depressing but I'm glad there are moments of hope as Andros reminds Cassie of why Kendrix sacrificed herself for and Leo thanks the Space Rangers for fighting by their side to which Andros says it was their honor to fight with them! Such stunning writing here! But the episode overall ends on such a somber note as the 4 remaining Galaxy Rangers don't know where they go from here.  It's just so disheartening and one of the saddest ends to an episode.  But I really must commend the writers for making such a bold choice for the show in favor of writing Kendrix out so her actress, Valerie Vernon, could seek treatment for her leukemia.

Final Morph: A+


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