Season 7, Episode 3: Race to the Rescue

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"Race to the Rescue"
Episode 3
Air Date: February 20th, 1999

Can I just get a second to talk about the glorious cheesiness and hilarious absurdity of Radster, especially his voice!!! It's a freakin' Elvis Lobster with the voice of the King of Rock himself!! I don't care if he's infamous in the fandom, he made this episode more entertaining than it really was.  I mean the way the episode starts off it kind of bizarre. O_o We learn out of no where Maya can talk and communicate with nature by hearing the sounds of captured creatures possibly light years away in space???!! HUH?! o_O Anyway, while Maya and Leo drag Damon with them by taking the Megaship, Kendrix and especially Kai are against it since there are procedures to go through before taking off with the ship but Leo just pretends he can't hear them as the transmission ends. lol Oh Leo, keep being such an immature brat at heart! :) As the rangers navigate through space, Maya finally points out the planet that the captured creatures are on as Alpha tells them to be careful. Awww Alpha, already caring about the new Power Rangers, so cute! :)

Once on the planet, they find the creatures are being held captive by Scorpius' forces as Maya decides to lead them away while Leo and Damon free them. For some reason, there's this random monster that appears that we really never see again as Maya leads them away. She soon rejoins them but they are intercepts by old Radster and a new group of Sting Wingers! The three rangers morph as we get the first morphing pose as well as new morphing call, "Go Galactic!" Neat! Soon....and for reasons unknown, Kendrix and Kai arrive to the hell did they get there??? O_o No Jet Jammers yet!!! Plot hole!!! -_-  I mean I think they teleported there as we'll soon see later in the episode but it just doesn't make sense as they some how lose this ability after the Jet Jammers are introduced! Anyway, as the 5 rangers fight, they cut the chains of large cages; revealing....some seriously ugly looking giant monsters....what the hell is the pink one suppose to be??? So overgrown stuffed cat??? O_o All jokes aside, the Galactabeasts are cool as they will become the rangers' future zords but here, meh, there are not so impressive and rather silly looking for this show...which I didn't think was possible. Apparently, Maya can understand them...why....I guess cause people from Mirioni have that ability and she's an alien??? It never explained, just go with it as the Galactabeasts tell them they are thankful and will return the favor one day.....or at the end of the episode when it's convenient! ;)

Anyway, after Scorpius scares away that random monster guy, he orders Furio to attack Terra Venture to get the Quasar Sabers.  As Furio and Radster teleport to Terra Venture, the civilians of the colony are warned ahead of time of the attack but it's too late as both monster start wrecking shit up!!! ;) As GSA soldiers arrive, they try their best to defend the colony but the monsters are too strong for them to handle.  After a hilarious moment of Damon taking control of the Megaship, the rangers teleport (SEEEE!!!) to the fight and reveal to the colony a new team of Power Rangers.  I love how the kid says, "they're real" like he's never seen a Power Ranger before. It hasn't been THAT long since the Space Rangers saved the Earth so what was that??? O_o Anyway, the Galaxy get to work kicking Radster's ass after Furio leaves him in charge of getting the sabers. While the other rangers help the soldiers and civilians, Leo takes on Radster one on one until he defeats him with his energized Quasar Saber.  Soon we get the monster growing method of this season....ummmm....the monster drinking booze to grow??? O_o What the f&*^??? Anyway he grows and we no zords, these rangers are screwed until the...what do you know...convenient arrival of the Galactabeasts. Apparently its time for them to return the favor as Leo is told by Maya that the Lion Galactabeast wants hi to join forces with him to defeat Radster. They do so, trading blasts with him but it's too much as Radster is destroyed in an assault of fire! The episode wraps with Maya lamenting about Mirinoi while Kai apologizes to Leo for seemingly no reason! Also, Scorpius has a daughter who's been snooping around the Scorpion Stinger...hmmmm.... Overall, a pretty decent episode despite some random plot holes.  The character interaction between the rangers already feels nice and genuine, even if there isn't much of a story yet.

Final Morph: C+


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