Season 7, Episode 20: The Lost Galactabeasts, Part 2

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"The Lost Galactabeasts, Part 2"
Episode 20
Air Date: October 22nd, 1999

Well, I'm glad this episode saw the rangers putting their heads together and trying to figure out what's the deal with the new zords that Deviot can control. Of it would make more sense if someone just figured out how easy this whole thing is by saying the 3 evil zords are the missing. freakin;. GALACTABEASTS!!! -_-  I mean come on guys, you're MUCH smarter than that!!! O_O  I mean I'm also glad all the rangers are rushing out to figure out how to save the day this episode: the guys are off saving the city, Kendrix is in the lab still working on deciphering the Galaxy Book and Maya is confronting the Galactabeasts about why they won't fight the evil zords.  I mean why can't the Galactabeasts just TELL Maya what's up??? O_o  Is everyone really slow all of a sudden??? But anyway, what works in this episode's favor how dumb every is all of sudden is that like I said the team is off doing their thing to save the day with their individual skills.  Mike is even rallying Terra Venture's forces to try to defend the city so at least it makes sense that everyone is preoccupied with saving the day but my goodness what was Chip thinking with making the rangers find out the true identity of the evil zords so late???

Anyway, with Scorpius adamant about Deviot using his new zords to destroy the rangers, Deviot summons his own monster, Hardtochoke, to take the remote control to take control of the megazords to destroy the rangers once and for all. So while everyone is doing their own thing to save the city as the megazords attack again, Leo has figured out he will use his Astro Cycle to blow up the megazords by overcharging it.  But Hardtochoke has other plans as he summons the Sting Wingers to stop Leo, Damon and Kai as they ride through the city on their cycles.  Both Damon and Kai sacrifice themselves so Leo can carry on with his plan.  Meanwhile, Maya arrives in the city with the Galactabeasts to face off against the Stratoforce and Centaurus Megazords.  As Leo gets closer, the Mike and Maya come in to help him as some more Sting Wingers try to stop him.  Meanwhile Kendrix FINALLY decodes the ripped page of the book with the 3 lost Galatabeasts and finds out the 3 evil zords are them!!! Jesus, took one of you long enough! As Kendrix rushes to stop Leo from destroying them, Leo runs into her with his cycle.  As the team regroups, she tells them the truth.  Though why Kendrix pronounces Deviot's name that way seriously bothers me!!!

The Magna Defender and the rangers meet up at the roof where Deviot and Hardtochoke, they question what he has done to the Galacatabeasts.  He tells them he found them trapped in asteroid field after 3,000 years and turned them into his 3 evil zords: The Stratoforce Megazord, Centaurus Megazord and the Zenith Carrierzord. As Deviot summons the Sting Wingers to attack the rangers, he leaves Hardtochoke in charge of destroying them once again.  As the fight leads off the roof to the base of the building, Leo manages to get a hold of the remote control until Hardtochoke blasts it into pieces.  After Mike strikes him with his sword, the rangers summon the Lights of Orion and use the power up mode to destroy Hardtochoke....but like most monsters this season he just randomly grows (Seriously, it's like the writers had no way of explaining how the monster grew anymore this season!) They quickly summon their zords and prepare to talk to the evil zords to convince them to turn good again but they just continue to blast and bite up the Galaxy Megazord until night fall.  When it looks like the megazords about to destroy the rangers for good, both of them suddenly stop and turn to Hardtochoke.  Their faces suddenly change from evil to good as they attack Hardtochoke with their individual weapons.  They help the Galaxy Megazord up just as Hardtochoke tries to destroy them all.  But the Zenith Carrierzord also arrives to help; blasting his multiple times.  As the rangers upgrade the Galaxy Megazord with the Lights of Orion, they charge up the megazord saber and destroy Hardtochoke once and for all.

With the 3 zords now in the rangers' possession, Deviot is pissed now that Scorpius will never let him into the cocoon...unless he finds out a way to destroy Scorpius first! Oh Deviot! lol As the rangers are glad that all the Galactabeasts are back together, Commander Stanton makes a moving speech about Terra Venture's continuing journey through the universe as the Galaxy Book mysteriously glows.  All and All, this was a phenomenal two parter!!! If only the rangers weren't so slow in finding out the identities of the 3 lost Galactabeasts I would have rated them higher.  But either way, great action and a great new villain make up for that! :)

Final Morph: A-


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