Season 7, Episode 11: Silent Sleep

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"Silent Sleep"
Episode 11
Air Date: April 17th, 1999

You know, I like unique episodes like these ones.  After a humorous opening between Maya, Leo and Damon at a stable, we get a very creepy opening when Scorpius' latest monster, Chilly Fish, begins freezing the colony.  What follows next is a completely music less background score as we hear the rangers approaching and checking on the civilians under the spell.  It's all so haunting and excuse the pun, chilling, just hearing regular sounds as the rangers fight Chill Fish.  The sound editing is really well done here and sets the tone for the episode being a little more serious than usual.  After freezing 4 of the rangers, Chilly Fish escapes as Leo is unaffected by the spell thanks to his brother's dogtags taking the hit from the spell.  Turns out Leo is the only one unaffected as even Alpha and all machines on Terra Venture are frozen too.  But then he starts to notice that the animals on Terra Venture haven't been affected as well, which is weird since the machines are.  I guess it make sense to serve the plot but I wish there was an explanation as to why they weren't.

Anyway, Trakeena is once again meddling in her father's affairs by forcing Treacheron to bring her down with him to Terra Venture.  During his fight with Leo, he brings her back to the Scorpion Stinger against her will.  Meanwhile, after Treacheron and the Sting Wingers retreat, Leo runs into the Manga Defender, who seems capturing the Lights of Orion. With the lights in his possession, the Magna Defender will use them to defeat Scorpius; only Leo needs them to save the colony. I love the fight between them that follows, especially since it leads to the Lights' escaping as the Magna Defender frustratingly follows them. Meanwhile, Leo gets the idea to use one of the horses from the stable to help him battle with Chilly Fish.  But after Leo's experience earlier in the episode, he's naturally not to eager about it.  But luckily, the horse compiles and they ride toward Chilly Fish's location.  Turns out the lights were another FAKE!!! -_- At least the fight between Leo and Chilly Fish is new and exciting with the horseback riding as they draw their swords.  Turns out the Magna Defender set up the  fake Lights to try to destroy Scorpius as Chilly Fish randomly grows.

With the other rangers unable to call the Galactabeasts with him, it's up to the Magna Defender to defeat Chilly Fish from here as he calls on the Torozord to arrive.  The Torozord transforms him to the Mega Defender as he grows and merges with the Torozord to form the Defender Torozord.  He eventually destroys Chilly Fish and saves the colony in the process as Alpha and the rangers wake up to thank is randomly on the Lion Galactabeast.  Anyway, Treachron grovels to Scorpius, Trakeena makes a threat about him having to watch his back now. Uhh ohhh? O_o  Anyway, Leo confronts the Magna Defender and thanks him for saving the colony but he says it was just to destroy another one of Scorpius' monsters. Leo still thinks there's good left in him because of it but the Magna Defender tells him all the goodness in him died when his son was killed by Scorpius as he walks off to his badass theme.  Once again, we are heading in a much stronger direction than the previous Lights of Orion episodes! Thank God for the Magna Defender making this episodes really entertaining! :)

Final Morph: A-


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