Season 7, Episode 1: Quasar Quest, Part 1

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"Quasar Quest, Part 1"
Episode 1
Air Date: February 6th, 1999

With the Zordon Era now officially behind us, we begin not only a whole new adventure for the show, but the first season to introduce new characters, villains, story etc. right from the start. I already love this premiere as this is possibly the most ambitious the show has gotten in terms of scope and budget.  Apparently, the writers hadn't even scratched the surface with the possibilities that they could accomplish with a space themed show as "Quasar Quest, Part 1" does a wonderfully job of continuing that theme but this time, instead of a space war plot, we are getting space odyssey storyline as we are introduce to Terra Venture, an enormous space colony created on Earth that is hovering over its atmosphere to get ready for an uncharted voyage throughout the universe to find a new world.  Which means if "In Space" was Star Wars, "Lost Galaxy" is clearly trying to be Star Trek. We immediately introduced to Commander Stanton, the leader of colony, Mike Corbet, who I believe is his assistant, Kendrix Morgan, one of the scientist on board and Kai Chan, who we will see working on the bridge in helping to direct the colony throughout it's voyage. But before that, we are introduced to the planet. Mirinoi, as this random announcer tells us we are "sometime in the not too distant future"....which apparently turns out to be just a year after the events of In Space! Weird! O_o

On Mirinoi, we see an old sage telling the natives the inhabitants of the planet the story of the Quasar Sabers, 5 powerful swords stuck in a large stone before them that was put their by legendary warriors 3,000 years ago...until 5 new worthy heroes are able to pull them out of the stone! Clearly a King Arthur/Excalibur rip-off but for Power Rangers, it's pretty awesome none the less.  It provides a new way that these new team of rangers will be getting their powers instead of some random head in a tube choosing 5 teenagers to become superheroes....sorry Zordon!!! :P  Anyway, as several inhabitants try to pull one of the sabers from the stone, they are soon attacked by giant bug foot soldiers called Sting Wingers! Meh, they are ultimately alright, I mean you can't get any worse than the Piranathran (well, maybe until Lightspeed with the Batlings! Yikes!) but the really hilarity is when their leader, Furio appears, looking ridiculous when a lemon melted on his head.  Poor Furio, he's clearly powerful and will prove to be more than a match for the rangers but he really doesn't make much of an impression here.....or during whole tenure on the show actually if I remember! O_o

Anyway, back on Earth, people are at the airport in Angel Grove, eager to broad the last shuttle to Terra Venture, like Bulk and Professor Phenomenous....who seem to have forgotten something....or more importantly someone as we see Skull is still asleep back at his home.  We are then introduce to Leo Corbet, who is being tossed outside by security as he doesn't have a passport to board the shuttle to Terra Venture. The hell?! Why would you need a passport anyway to go on space colony??? Makes no sense!! O_O Anyway, outside Leo is pissed because he can't get on when he suddenly notices an old woman being harassed by 3 thugs to give them her passport. I LOVE Leo right away; showing how courageous he is but clearly in over his head and immature. Ultimately, he's resourceful as he manages to trick the thugs into thinking they stole her passport after being them up as he kindly gives it to back to her.  After some inspiring words from the old woman, Leo decides to stowaway onto the last shuttle to get onto Terra, GSA security sucks by the way as Leo is able to sneak onto the shuttle without anyone noticing.

Once there, the guards finally find him as he attempts to escape....running into Kendrix and Kai.  I love how Kendrix automatically likes Leo and if very protective of him; not saying a word to the GSA guards when they are asked about the stowaway.  Leo ultimately disguises himself as a GSA officer to get away...but then gets forced to go to the moon during a battle exercise with the rest of the GSA soldiers.  {Insert Starship Trooper jokes} Anyway, after Commander Stanton makes a stunning little speech, the soldiers arrive on the moon where Kendrix nearly gets blown up if it wasn't for Leo.  When Kai goes to check on her, he notices Leo as the stowaway and was about to fight him when Mike also arrives to reveal Leo is his little brother.  I already like the relationship between Mike and Leo with Mike clearly being overprotective and having his reasons while Leo is overzealous and wants to prove himself to his older brother. Great acting and characterization here!

Meanwhile, one of the inhabitants of Mirinoi named Maya is being chased by the Sting Wingers when their laser eye beams open a random portal to the moon where she falls and meets the other soon to be Galaxy Rangers.  It's such a random/far feteched way to get all of our heroes together but we seen greater conveniences on this show.  As they try to stop her, the Sting Wingers also come through the portal as we get....quite a pathetic fight between the teens and the foot soldiers.  God, I already miss the days of unmorphed badassery of MMPR fight scenes.  Once they retrieve their blasters, the Sting Wingers retreat back into the portal as Maya introduces herself and tells them what's going on.  When Mike and Kendrix decide to back with her to help, Leo is also eager to join but orders Kai to take him back to Terra Venture.  As they leave with Maya, Leo decides to ditch Kai and head into the portal as well, concluding the episode.  All and All, a fantastic world building episode as you can already see some nice, fresh characteristics for the new characters as well as already the noticeably, impressive budget increase for the new season.  Not to mention, there was no Sentai footage to speak of for the first time and it was all unbelievably entertaining regardless!!! WOW! :)

Final Morph: A+


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