Season 6, Episode 41: A Line In The Sand

Image result for a line in the sand power rangers in space
"A Line In The Sand"
Episode 41
Air Date: November 18th, 1998

Sigh....nope, nope, nope!!! Once again, I am thoroughly disappointed by this episode. Especially one that ends with another devastating loss in the rangers' arsenal when the Mega Voyager is finally destroyed but my problem.....actually, my MAJOR problem with this is, that the destruction of the Mega Voyager could have been seriously avoided know....Zhane had arrived with the Mega Winger????!!! O_o  Did the writers just forget about Zhane's zord this episode??? Even Ashley says that they just have the Astro Megazord left??? Since when blondie!!!? O_O What happened to the Mega Winger and why didn't Zhange help against the fight with Tankenstein??? O_o  What was he doing during that fight??? Cleaning his idiotic last minute attempt at selling toys aka the Galactic Rover??!!! -_-  Ehhhhh, seriously, these past two episodes made NOOOOOO SENSEEEEE!!! Thanks a lot Zhane!!! What is up with him and these last minute saves these last few episodes??? Zhane was such a cool and inventive character that it's sad he's being reduce to the "copout" ranger when the others are in danger like Tommy was during Season 1 for the most part! -_- Ehhhhh!!!

Anyway, the episode begins with Ashley and Andros on a date but all I can think about is why there little kids playing hop scotch in the middle of the night???!! -_- Anyway, they are almost ran over by Astronema's latest monster, Tankenstein, during their date and head back to the Megaship to warn the others. When T.J.and Cassie receive word about it from them, they head down to Earth to warn Carlos during a soccer game.  But unfortunately Tankenstein gets him and he's transported to some desert....more on that later.  When T.J. and Cassie ask around about Carlos, they find his championship ball and run into Tankenstein...get it!? *Drum solo* Anyway, they morph and try to stop it but the things is practically invincible. When Cassie tries to save T.J. at one point, Tankenstein runs over her Galaxy Glider that can't lift off for some convenient??? -_-  Tankenstein soon captures them as the rangers are reunite with Carlos.

When Alpha loses T.J. and Cassie's signal, Ashley and Andros try to go after them as Tankenstein is ordered by Astronema to get the last two rangers.  As Tankenstein tries to fun them off the road in Ashley's car (The same one from "The Turn of the Wretched Wrench! Nice! :), the two get out of the car after he blasts it and morph.  But soon he captures them again....wait a minute, Andros used his battlizer and wasn't able to stop it but he could free the Megaship from a huge, powerful energy web last episode!!!?? -_-  Ehhhh, anyway, all 5 rangers are now trapped in desert....which we never know if it's in another dimension, planet, etc. as the rangers are able to morph??? O_O Then why didn't Carlos, T.J. or Cassie morph before Ashley and Andros showed up??? Did they think they couldn't more because of their communicators not working??? Wouldn't it have made sense if the rangers couldn't morph so they could be easy pickings for Tankenstein??? As a matter of fact, why not just run them over instead of teleporting them to some random desert where they can STILL morph and fight back??? I just.....ARRRGGHHHHHH!!! *Head desk* As I said before, Zhane soon arrives on his Galactic Deux Es Machina to save his friends again, how he found them is never explained, where they are is never explained, etc. He just comes in and destroys Tankenstein. Astronema soon revives him by making him grow and we get the aforementioned brutal battle where the Mega Voyager is destroyed along with the monster. Sigh...... All and All, for te penultimate episode this was another mediocre mess.  Nothing about it made sense and Astronema won based on luck, not a good plan.  One of her worst actually. It feels more like filler than anything else when the rangers could have been off searching for Zordon these past two episodes.  The only significance from them are the destruction of the Detla Megazord and Mega Voyager.  Outside of that, there a waste of time. Nothing awful but nothing great either. Next up, the BIG TWO PART FINALE!!! Let's go "Countdown to Destruction!" :)

Final Morph: C-


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