Season 6, Episode 35: Silence Is Golden

"Silence is Golden"
Episode 35
Air Date: November 6th, 1998

You know, I get that writers Judd Lynn and Jackie Marchand were going for suspense with this episode but I think I enjoyed the concept of that tension more than how the plot of the episode played out.  Don't get me wrong, the eventual first showdown of the Space Rangers and the remaining Psycho Rangers was well done; especially that last zord battle but it was a pretty rough ride getting there.  So the Psychos are tracking the rangers done through their voices??? But doesn't Astronema already know who the rangers are??? O_o Maybe she's trying to delay them even more to destroy the rangers to drain more of Dark Specter's powers but that wasn't really made clear.  But like I said, I do appreciate the writers trying to build tension and suspense...even though it doesn't quite make sense.

I guess it's cool seeing the Psycho take human form, especially since they're being played by their actual voice actors at the time.  Of course, when Ashley overhears the Psychos attacking a helpless woman, she quickly makes her way back to the Megaship to warn the others.  Of course, Cassie is still there....wait, so how did she and Ashley not bump into each other or go together??? O_o  Anyway, the rangers figure out how to contact her through a nearby pay phone (remember those??? lol) and tell her what's up.  We get a sequence of Cassie trying to keep her mouth shut but when a baby is about to go down some stairs on a stroller (more negligent parents in Angel Grove??? Sheesh!) she shouts and reveals her location to the Psychos.  Then when they are about to capture her, Zhane just shows up as a clown out of no where and uses random voices of he and Cassie to lure them away.

As all the rangers regroup and prepare to battle the Psychos, the Psychos chase after Zhane as they confront the whole team of Space Rangers.  Once again, it's a tough fight but the Space Rangers manage to work together enough to defeat them....until the morph into their monster forms and grow.  They call on their zords and have a very impressive zord battle that features the Mega Voyager, Delta Megazord and Mega Winger.  As the battle draws to a close, the Psychos manage to survive the multiple megazord finishers to capture the Mega Voyager as Psycho Black drags it through a enormous vortex.  Now I LOVE the intensity and suspense here!!! It feels more natural and having one of the rangers knock out Andros, who was planning to not leave the megazord was AWESOME!!! So now with the Mega Voyager off in God knows where, the rangers begin searching for it as Astronema puts the next phase of her plan into action.  Marvelous episode despite my initial problems with it as it manages to recover nicely and continue this Psycho Ranger arc so well. :)

Final Morph: A-


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