Season 6, Episode 30: Dark Specter's Revenge, Part 2

"Dark Specter's Revenge, Part 2"
Episode 30
Air Date: October 29th, 1998

Well, there you have it!!! All hope has been dashed in the Karone/Astronema front.  Jesus, guys why didn't at least ONE of you go with her.  Also, I'm guessing Karone used her Astronema powers to teleport to the Dark Fortress considering Andros and Zhane had to use their Galaxy Gliders to tale a Velocifighter to there??? o_O  Speaking of Zhane, our prodigal ranger returns to help the rangers push the asteroid out of the way with his own new megazord, the Mega Winger. With four megazords now pushing the asteroid, the rangers finally manage to push it off cross and back into the depths of space.....well, that was a bit anti-climatic! o_o  Anyway, as Zhane rejoins the Space Rangers, D.E.C.A. has found the coordinates to the Dark Fortress.  As Andros pin points the Dark Fortress' exact location, the other rangers fill Zhane in on Karone/Astronema.  I love it how excited he is when he realizes Astronema is Karone and tells Andros he's going with him cause he has an "interest" in her. HEHE! :) As they both make their way to the Dark Fortress, I love how Andros begins questioning Zhane on his date with his sister with Zhane telling him it wasn't really a date and he's right, the boy never got lucky!!! ;)

Anyway, as Andros and Zhane sneak around the Dark Fortress, they overhear Elgar and's just weird seeing this two interact.  Bumbling idiotic and mental deficient comedic villain and a sinister, treacherous one.....why the hell do they keep Elgar around.  Meanwhile, Andros and Zhane grab two Quantrons and steal their armor to look like them.  So I'm guessing Quantrons are guys in armor...or robots in armor??? O_o  Also, this is a blatant Star Wars knock off when Han and Luke dress up as Storm Troopers but whatever, it's cool anyway.  As the two head closer to the bridge of the Dark Fortress, they spot Astronema but...sigh....she's been given cybernetic implants as well as just comes off more cold and evil than she ever was before.  Sigh, poor Andros as he tries to get throw to her while Zhane fights off Ecliptor and some Quantrons but it's no use.  The two must leave her behind and escape.  This is a great fight sequence, intense and well choreographed. After morphing, the two steal some Velocifighters (Star Wars rip off again!!! -_-) and head back to the Megaship.  They deliver the bad news to the other rangers as Andros is in complete shock and despair that he's lost his sister...again!!! SIGH. :(

From there the episode is pretty typical for the season as I didn't mention it in my last review, but Bulk, Skull and Phenomus stole a shuttle to get off Earth but of course, the idiots landed back on Earth as they clumsily discover so.  Soon one of Astronema's latest monsters attacks them and the rangers morph into action to save him.  Frightwing gets his BEHIND KICKED like Professor Phenomus puts it by the rangers and Astronema fires the satell lasers to make him grow.  As the rangers battle Frightwing in their Mega Voyager, Zhane soon joins them in his Mega Winger, to the rangers' amazement.  The thing really is awesome with a wing blaster and it can also detach and attach itself to the Mega Voyager; helping it to fly as the rangers destroy Frightwing for good.  I LOVVVE of Astronema does even care and just kicks Darkonda off the Dark Fortress...just because!!! HA!!! Meanwhile, Andros and D.E.C.A. are figuring out what happened to Karone by analyzing the cybernetic implants.  Turns out she's still inside there but her emotions are being overwritten by the controls.  Andros swears one day to get her back as the episode ends on a frightening image of Karone's head.....jeeze!!! A great two parter all things's just kind of depressing really. :(

Final Morpher: A


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