Season 6, Episode 29: Dark Specter's Revenge, Part 1

"Dark Specter's Revenge, Part 1"
Episode 29
Air Date: October 28th, 1998

Well, just when things were looking up with Astronema finally with the rangers and Andros having his sister back, we get this two parter that essentially rips it all away just as quick as we got it??? Jesus these rangers can't get a break can they??? O_O  I mean as cheesy and saccharine as that opening moment was between the rangers and Astronema with them making her an officially ranger, it feels like it was done purposefully as the writers were giving us a quick glimmer of hope in a much darker sea of despair ahead.  With Darkonda now in charge of the Dark Fortress, he begins his own machinations of psychotic rule by capturing Ecliptor and operating on him....what has he done with him you say??? You'll unfortunately find out.  But Dark Specter has his own sick, twisted agenda after the rangers won their most victorious victory with Astronema and Ecliptor by sending an asteroid hurtling toward Earth.  I love how it's Bulk, Skull and Phenomus who discover it's on its way.  As the asteroid nearly misses the Megaship, the rangers receive a broadcast of Dark Specter demanding they bring Astronema back or he'll destroy Earth with the asteroid.

Of course, the rangers don't give and will try to find a way to destroy the asteroid themselves.  When they try to fire the ship's mega lasers at it, it has no effect.  Leading the rangers to morph and going done there to plant explosives to blow it up from the inside. Meanwhile, Astronema has of course fully embraced her Karone side and look like a normal human being.  Once again, it's a glimpse of happiness in what's about to become an even grimmer season...sheesh!!! :(  As the rangers plant explosives, Velocifighters begin to attack as well as Darkonda and an army of Quantrons.  Andros orders T.J. to plant the rest of the explosives while the other 3 rangers use their Mega Vehicles to shoot down the Velofighters.  As Andros handles Darkonda and the Quantrons, T.J. finishes planting all the explosives.  This is all awesome by the way feeling like an epic space opera in the same vein as Star Wars for sure!!! :)  As Andros and T.J. call on their own Mega Vehicles to escape the explosion of the asteroid, the rangers are all shocked that it didn't work.....JESUS!!! o_O

As the rangers return to the Megaship, Karone gets the idea to sneak onto the Dark Fortress to change the trajectory of the asteroid.  It's an incredibly dumb plan that only Andros objects to, I mean none of the rangers offer to go with her to watch her back or anything.  I mean they could create a diversion while she's there but nope, just let the newly converted ally/sister of your leader go by herself.  I feel really bad for Andros here as Karone goes alone to the Dark Fortress and then....bam, Ecliptor shows up as brainwashed with cybernetic implants and just attacks poor Karone to the rangers' horror. GREAT JOB GUYS!!! -_-  Poor Karone, that attack sound really intense and brutal!!! :(  Anyway, as Bulk, Skull and Phenomus inform NASADA about the asteroid, they begin broadcasting around the world about the Earth impending doom as everyone panics!!! This is where Bulk and Skull's usual shrieking and over the top hysterics make sense!!! O_O Run for you freakin' LIVES!!!

As the asteroid heads closer to Earth, the rangers get the idea to use all their megazords to try to push the asteroid out of orbit.  The Astro Megazord, Delta Megazord and Mega Voyager are all summoned to the asteroid as the rangers try to push the asteroid out of the way.  But it doesn't seem to be working as the asteroid enters the Earth's atmosphere......Man, what a cliffhanger!!!! O_O

Final Morph: A


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