Season 6, Episode 22: The Silver Secret

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"The Silver Secret"
Episode 22
Air Date: October 14th, 1998

So the cat's out of the bag when Astronema finds out that the Silver Ranger's powers are extremely limited and orders her Praying Mantis monster to attack him.  As Alpha gives Zhane the bad news about his powers being only useful for 2 and half minutes, Cassie and Andros over hear some of it and just assume that Zhane is dying. Which is just dumb because instead of getting ALL the facts they just start treating Zhane really nicely and not to go with them during a monster attack.  Anyway, the Praying Mantix attacks as the rangers go face them.  Zhane being impatient decides to help his friends even if Alpha says it's too dangerous.  He goes after them and helps save the rangers, but once the rangers handle Praying Mantis, he begins to lose his power again and runs off.  Later that day, Zhane over hears that Cassie and Andros telling the other rangers about Zhane's "condition" and in completely in Zhane's character, he goes along with it and milks it for all it's worth.

Of course when Alpha finds out he tells him he should tell the others bu Zhane is having too much fun.  Meanwhile, Astronema gives the Praying Mantis monster a timer on its left shoulder so he can detain the Silver Ranger for 2 and a half minutes just as Alpha tells Zhane he needs a surge of concentrated energy to gain his full powers back.  So when the other rangers head out to face the Praying Mantis, Zhane frustratingly asks D.E.C.A. to look up lightning storms all over Earth to fix his powers for good.  He finally does and attempts to climb up a freakin' mountain instead of you know, teleporting or flying there on his Galaxy Glider but whatever! Anyway, he climbs up, struggling to make it up there of course, but he makes it and uses his morpher as a conductor when it's struct by lightning.  How he survives this we'll never know but the effects of it all is so laughable though! LOL

Anyway, as the other rangers continue to struggle to fight the Praying Mantis by getting their asses kicked. Zhane arrives and ready to return the favor to the monster.  But when the Mantis monster captures him, the rangers try to save him but are stopped by Quantrons.  As the timer counts down, Astronema watches in glee as the Silver Ranger is destroyed and the other rangers are too late.  It's an over dramatic moment, underscored by a powerful moment fro Andros who mentions losing him again.  But as the rangers attack and are forced back, Zhane appears miraculously to Astronema's irritation. He, Cassie and Andros attack and defeat the monster until Astronema call for the Satell Lasers.  The rangers call on the Mega Vehicles to form the Mega Voyager and they destroy him in another good zord battle.  Astronema swears vengeance on the Silver Ranger just as Zhane is discovered by the others for lying.  His punishment you say??? Cleaning the Megaship from top to bottom??? O_o  Jesus guys, I know he lied but that's messed up....the whole ship by HIMSELF!? O_O  Anyway, this was a great episode as usual none the less. Zhane is such a hilariously refreshing character!

Final Morph: B+


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