Season 6, Episode 20: Survival of the Silver

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"Survival of the Silver"
Episode 20
Air Date: October 3rd, 1998

There have been some phenomenal 6th ranger introductions throughout the franchise like the epic arrival of the Evil Green Ranger from Season 1 or Jason's shocking and exciting return as the Gold Ranger in Power Rangers Zeo.  But when it came to the introduction of the franchise' first silver ranger in this season, it was done so inventively and well done here. After battling and being chased back into their Megaship by not too friendly natives of the planet of Kadix, the other 4 Space Rangers accidentally discover the mysterious room Andros was in last episode.  They realize that Andros was watching over someone sleeping in a cryogenic tube.  When one of them asks who he is, Andros appears behind him to reveal his name is Zhane, the Silver Ranger.

Apparently, two years ago, when Dark Specter's forces attacked KO-35, Zhane nearly lost his life saving Andros from a monster that exploded.  After the battle, Andros took Zhane to the Megaship to heal in the cryogenic tube and has been there ever since.  When Ashley question why he never told them, he doesn't have time to answer but it's clearly the reason why Andros didn't want to work with T.J. and the others earlier in the season; fearing another ranger might get hurt because of him.  It's really great writing showing more of why Andros is so mysterious and the way he is. Nice!!! Anyway, as the rangers head back to the bridge, Cassie decides to check on the sample they brought back to the planet....which has turned into a monster.  She fights off the creature; even opening the cargo bay doors open so the monster can be sucked out into space.  But the monster continues to hang on to the ship and damage it as the rangers are pulled back to the planet's gravitational pull and are forced to land back there.

As the rangers recover from the landing, they immediately head out morphed to face off against the monster and the evil inhabitants of the planet.  When they begin to invade the megaship, D.E.C.A., on Andros' orders, seals all doors.  But the continuing battle and damage of the Megaship interferes with Zhane's healing chamber and he flat lines.  In a very well done dramatic moment, Andros senses Zhane is dead and falls over in grief.  How he know this, is not clear, must be information being shown in his helmet??? But Andros is of course pissed and fight off the remaining inhabitants.  But suddenly, Zhane is revived by the jolt of the almost dying and immediately gets to work throwing the inhabitants off the ship. To the rangers' amazment, Zhane comes off the ship and just kicks the monster's ass. HELLO BADASS!!! It's a sweet reunion between the two, especially when they enter the ship and do a cool alien greeting thing aka alien dapping I guess!!! lol  As the monster grows, the rangers call on both the Astro Megazord and Delta Megazord to form the Astro Delta Megazord to destroy it for good.  I love how the rangers return and we see Zhane helmetless for the first time, embeleshing on a story about him and Andros where HE was the hero.  I love Zhane already; cocky, confident, a little self absorbed. Something we've never seen before from a ranger so far. So refreshing.  All and All, the episode was superb as it is was one of my favorite and most memorable 6th rangers entrances in the series! :)

Final Morph: A


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