Season 19, Episode 3: Trading Places

"Trading Places"
Episode 3
Air Date: March 3rd, 2012

Well, this is certainly the most unusual episode in a while but that's mostly because, once again, the writers are simply translating the Sentai into English.  I mean it makes sense since most the dialogue feels so far fetched, unnatural and insulting actually. -_-  But the episodic dilemma at hand with Switch Beast does lead to some gags that are pretty funny, if not disturbing.  I mean Spike inside a newspaper that's in a bird cage (ehwww!!!), not to mention poor Antonio being a fish and about to get eaten by a cat.  YIKES!!!  The rest of the cast is mostly just standing there, tho Mike can't help himself but put Kevin in a tutu since he is in a toy ballerina.  Lol  I guess I should commend Mike and Emily for taking the initiative on their own and figuring out a way to outsmart Switch Beast with his own power.  Mike being in his body and Switch Beast being in his was actually entertaining enough and made me chuckle...until Switch Beast threatened to destroy Mike's body if he didn't switch them back.  DAMN!!! 

Luckily, Mike and Emily make their point and they end up getting Switch Beast to put everyone back in their bodies.  Poor Antonio is traumatized from being almost lunch! Seriously, that would give me serious trauma too.  I wonder if the writers will build on this??? Naw! O_o Anyway, Mentor Ji entrusted Mike with the black box this time as he uses Super Samurai mode to destroy Switch Beast until he grows.  Apparently, with the black box they can summon all the zords without the other rangers but one wonders...ummm...where the hell is the rest of the team??!! -_-  They could have at least joined their friends or Mike attempted to call them to see if they were okay and ready to help!!!! Like what is up with this show??? It's not like you couldn't just have quick American footage of the rangers arriving and joining Emily and Mike in the very American original cockpit but whatever! -_-

They summon most of the zords to create the Claw Armor Megazord and use its double katanna finishing move to destroy for good.  Meanwhile, .....why is Master Xandred even still here complaining about the rangers when he does absolutely nothing....he's done nothing since the beginning of Samurai until now besides drinking his medicine for his constant headaches.  This must have been Haim Saban's idea to incorporate in this show; feeling like a desperate connection to the MMPR days but that's a further discussion for my overview.  Anyway, I get the episode entertained enough to not totally hate it this time.  At least the rangers are made to look smart and resourceful, even if it's because the Sentai footage calls for them to be competent sometimes. 

Final Morph: B-


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