Season 14, Episode 9: Stranger Within, Part 2

"Stranger Within, Part 2"
Episode 9
Air Date: April 17th, 2006
Ok...ummm....I hate this season...let's just get this out the way!!! I'm seriously trying my hardest to appreciate all the good despite the unnecessary idiocy and absurd logic of this team of ranegrs but I just...I can't...I can NOT fathom how a group of teenagers can be THAT dumb??? O_o Are you kidding me:
-Vida so easily out smarting the rangers disguised as Claire by having Xander free her but HELLO, if Claire is trapped in the circle that means she's a vampire no matter if she wasn't beaten!!! -_- If she's not a vampire, she's clearly Vida then if she CAN'T get out the circle. In this episode, Claire was actually smarter and more competent than the freakin' rangers when she's been a complete magical hazard since we met her. Strike 1!
-How is it that Chip, yes her best friend, but the other rangers (one of being Vida's damn sister!) CAN'T tell when something is seriously off about Vida??! Now, I'd get Nick, since he's the new guy but you 4 have been friends for YEARS apparently but even Madison is that gullible to not know her sister isn't herself?? O_o
-Koragg, I'm done with him as a villain, his whole code of honor is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. He fights Chip and is ready to walk away because he's unworthy to fight but when he proves how strong he is, Koragg wants to fight him again because destroying one of the rangers while their weak is soooo dishonorable!! -_- Bull. CRAP!!!
-So the Xenotome tells the rangers how to destroy Necroli, who we found out is the vampire Queen (Which is pretty obvious but the rangers didn't believe in vampires? -_-) since she's the one who bite Vida, that the Dawn Stone will reverse the transformation. That's great! Udonna gets all the ingredients, Chip mixes is all together and manages to destroy Necroli to save Vida for real this time. Only for Necroli to come back at the end, saying she's invincible and the Dawn Stone is pretty much useless.......then why the HELL...did the Xenotome tells them it would destroy her!!? It's suppose to tell them ALL they do not know, so why not tell them Necroli is invincible and won't die from the stone but Vida will become normal from it??? O_o
End of Rant! Now, what can I say is the positive about this episode??? Chip and Vida's friendship being on display here is still heartwarming and Chip realizing Vida was on his side by helping him shoot Necroli with the Dawn Stone was great stuff. Tho, when I was watching this, I feel like the emotional weight of the situation would have been stronger if Madison was the one who was fighting Vida and had to save here. Look, clearly Madison and V have a great relationship as sisters since that moment she cries at the possibility of losing her sister was really palpable; genuinely making me feel bad for her, it still bothers me that Chip knows her better than her own sister. I mean it would make more sense if it was established that Vida and Madison aren't that close despite being sisters, that would make her relationship with Chip make more sense since Chip is the only one who got close to Vida the most but it just doesn't make sense as the focal point of the conflict when Madison seems so oblivious to any bizarre changes to her sister's behavior when Chip can notice even the smallest change in Vida. Also, the rangers are continued to be awarded spell codes for simply having common sense instead of really learning a lesson and overcoming hopeless odd through true heroism and triumph like in "Code Busters". Yeah, they get some new powerful ancient Titans attack that nearly destroys Koragg; making him have to retreat for once. What a surprise!! I mean there's no honor in that Koragg, I'm surprised you didn't lecture the rangers about that! Ehhhh!!! -_- Hmmmm, anything else happen this episode.....hmmmm....Leelee is evil and Necroli's daughter...NOPE!!! Nothing new or out of the ordinary there. I's been SOOO obvious it's not even funny! lol Part 2....sigh...just another indication of an already problematic as hell season so far that really feels like it's meandering through the show instead of telling an epic story about a team of magic based rangers....ewwww.
Final Morph: D
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