Season 14, Episode 17: Ranger Down

"Ranger Down"
Episode 17
Air Date: June 26th, 2006
Honestly, I'm just trying at this point to enjoy as much as I can of this show because honestly just want to stop watching. I realizing that the writing for this season is soooo incompetent, it's shocking that the writers thought this should be filmed and produced in life action. These characters, and not just the rangers, are really irritating, selfish and grating. This entire episode is about Jenji getting jealous over Fire Heart getting more attention from the rangers than he is. So what does he do??? He takes Fire Heart and just leaves him in the forest...a baby dragon the rangers had to track now because it got into evil hands, it would be powerful enough to destroy them and God knows what else?? Did no one explain this to the Cat Genie??? How did Jenji expect everyone to react??? "Oh Fire Heart's gone but at least we have Jenji!!!" :) Are you kidding me?/!! Then when he confesses and Fire Heart going missing from where he left him (EHHHHH!!) There are no consequences and repercussions for his actions. He doesn't even care and runs away leaving a extremely messed up note about leaving cause no one cares about him anymore and Fire Heart taking his friends away from him or whatever....Are....This can't be real can it??? O_o Oh and Draggeron gives us Jenji's backstory to explain his erratic behavior about being framed for being evil by his people by a witch and the King of Cats or whatever banishing him until Draggeron came across him. Oh and Jenji wasn't born a genie but became one do to his extreme incompetence by opening an evil box that Draggeron told him multiple times NOT to open but opens it anyway; forcing Draggeron to put him in his lamp...thus becoming a I said....who say you CAN'T write this stuff. Give me a break!!! That was a witch who cast an evil spell, NOT some jealous Genie putting a defenseless baby dragon...the only one left in existence I might add, in harms way!!! -_-
F%^& Jenji!!! Officially the worst supporting character I have ever seen from this show. Oh Maddy has to convince him to come back or he'll disappear forever by not going back into the lamp. Let him go guys!!! The hell!!! Oh and where is Fire Heart during all this??? O_o Being taken care of by Phineas!!! -_- Who rather keep Fire Heart for himself then give him back to Udonna and the others??? Does Phineas not know about Fire Heart and the immense power he has??? Wouldn't he know that??? O_o I'm baffled by these character motivations and choices because they're not only head scratching but mind numbing that characters like this are suppose to be the ones we are rooting for! I guess I'm suppose to talk about the plot of the episode with Necroli getting Koragg's magic and teaming up with a Bird monster. I just don't care enough to mention her name because.....their plan is turning the people of Briarwood into feathers...yes...feathers!! I can't even comprehend why this was even a thought in the first place, let alone a plan by the villains. Oh and Koragg just gives Imperious his magic because he assumes the Knight can't handle the rangers without it....wait...WHAT!!? O_O Of course, he gives it to Necroli and probably uses better in this episode than he ever has. I guess there's no honor if you use dark magic to defeat your enemies now?? Hand to hand combat is the only way against rangers who wield magic!!? -_- All I'm saying it's dangerously problematic when I'm so baffled by the idiocy of a villain that I miss the days of Divatox's detonators and Lother's embarrassing sitcom like antics!! I'm being soooo serious! YEAH, shocking! O_O
So Fire Heart goes missing again but don't worry, he's a fully grown dragon now able to bring Solaris Knight to help the rangers when Maddy is the only one left know...they're feathers. I actually don't mind Chip being a pile of yellow feathers after that slightly humiliating bird pun! -_- Anyway, Jenji is helping tho and manages to beat up the Bird monster tho, how he isn't easily over powering her is stupid since in his debut episode he can grow to the size of a skyscraper by just making a wish. And don't give me, "it was just a wish he had at the moment". No! Apparently, Jenji can just wish for things and they happen on the time. I'm about to fade out of existence, "I wish I had more time". Boom! He does! So like I said, why not just wish the army of freakin' darkness and these villains away??? O_o I mean, we'll come to find out in the next couple of episodes that Jenji's wishes are powerful enough to drastically alter reality but whatever. I guess it's just semantics at this point. Anyway, Madison destroy Bird lady, all the feathers become human again and the rangers combine forces with the Solaris Streak Megazord to destroy her once and for all when Necroli makes her grow. Oh and Phineas spills the beans about that mysterious baby....ummm...why when he was sooo afraid of them finding out??? O_o Why did Udonna assume he was dead??? I just want everyone to put two and two together already because the fact that Nick is carrying around that blanket everywhere it seems and Udonna hasn't found it, seen it or just put realize her son is....!!! *groan* -_- You know this episode is bad when a bizarre cameo by Piggy is the highlight of the episode. The weakest and most boring episode I've watched in a while actually. O_O If it's not putting you to sleep, it's making the show look worse with its dense characters and hackneyed writing. :( Not to mention, "Ranger Down"...what does that title have to do with the episode's plot??? -_- WOW.
Final Morph: F
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