Season 14, Episode 30: The Return

"The Return"
Episode 30
Air Episode: October 30th, 2006

You would thin the penultimate episode of a season would be setting things up for the finale, bringing character arcs to a close and rightfully getting you all excited about the final showdown between our heroes and the Grand Daddy evil of them all aka the Master...yet...NOPE! :) I'm just going to say it, Mystic Force is the worst season thus far in my 2 year long (so far anyway!) re-watch of this show and we haven't even reached next season, the one that shall not be named yet!  I just can't wrap my head around how these characters make no sense.  The writers already established pretty much what their personalities are, even if they're more unlikable and two dimensional than the original rangers. but at least we knew what type of people we were dealing with individually even if the rangers came off so moronic and constantly making dumb decisions.  But THIS episode, I'm done and I've had it!! Since when has Vida been so loving and compassionate that she would so quickly befriend Matoombo like this out of no where. If anything, this sudden twist of morality for another one of the rangers' villains should have gone to Madison, who has been poorly developed...actually NOT developed at all rather like most if not all of the team, so.....  WTF!???  Vida has always been shown to be stubborn, headstrong and tough yet she comes to Matoombo aid to the point where it seems like they've been friends for so long and we go as far as to steal Daggeron's zord to escape with him!!! O_o  What the hell!?? What the hell is going on???

The Ten Terrors are about a serviceable as villains get.  They have been terribly written with random  Terrors suddenly showing signs of humanity within them.  Yes, like Itassis suddenly helping the rangers and telling them she never want to serve the Master and only wants knowledge!!?? then why were you adamant about keeping up the rules of the game that you would allow your fellow Terrors to be defeated then??? Were you trying to play along so the others wouldn't destroy you?? As a matter of fact, how is it even possible that the Terrors could even have a heart or be good??!! It wasn't it established in their opening episode that they are not just almost as powerful as the Master himself but just as evil??? -_-  This arc with the Terrors has clearly been butchered to hell thanks the writers skimming through necessary plot points and character beats in the Sentai that now make absolutely no sense.  This sudden infighting and disagreement between them just suffers and annoys the hell out of me that I don't care for any of them anymore.  So apparently, Udonna has her sorceress powers back as well thanks to her Snow Staff being back and isn't even funnier how she finds Leanbow so easily when the writers made it such a grand mission for her and such.  Tobey knows about the rangers and they know he knows, but I still find Leelee and Phineas' sudden romance gross and strictly just for laughs.

Oh and thanks to Udonna using her Snow Staff to power up Leanbow with good magic (cause apparently she can just do that! -_-), Leanbow returns to save the rangers and Solaris Knight against Gekkor by....morphing into the Red Wolf Warrior, which is just Koragg but in all red now...because red is good now and why would he more into a variation of Koragg when Koragg was an evil created by the Master??? Make. sense. SHOW! o_o  I honestly don't even care about the climatic cliffhanger for the finale where Matoombo is possessed by the Master and uses him as a vessel to be reborn.  So the Master can just do that??? How??? What about the rules of evil??? How can the other Terrors intervene when they have to follow those rules all the time??? I next, the finale...THANK GOD! -_-

Final Morph: F


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