Season 14, Episode 15: Inner Strength

"Inner Strength"
Episode 15
Air Episode: June 5th, 2006 (Jetix TV)/July 12th, 2006 (TV)
OH NO!!! o_O Another Xander focused episode!!! Of course, Xander is so self involved and would rather go on a date, then hone his magic like the others...he's Xander! Ewwww!!! -_- Well, at least Daggeron is actively and consistently training the rangers as we see in this episode....honestly, Udonna hasn't done much mentoring since she lost her staff so finally giving the rangers a proper mentor is nice to see!!! :) I guess that means I shouldn't give this episode that much of a hard time since it serves the purpose to progress the rangers as magic wielders as well as people aka Xander. It's nice to see someone finally call Xander out of his immature, selfish behavior by forcing him to learn instead brushing it aside. Xander really isn't all! O_O Dude is always treating his friends like crap and taking all the credit, so an episode devoted on how negligent he is as a ranger makes sense to me as I thoroughly enjoyed it, especially the rangers giving him attitude about it most of the episode. Meanwhile, Imperious summons the Behemoth to attack the city while Daggeron has unfortunately taken the 5 to an alternate dimension called Shalifar, once again, an extremely dangerous place the rangers may not survive with even Jenji heavily implying there's someone that might eat them! Yeah....Jesus, Daggeron, couldn't you have just sent Xander there to learn his lesson and not in danger the rest of the team??! O_o Also, can I take time to mention that Daggeron's morpher includes a trading card and a hole puncher...yes....a magical hole puncher is what this guy uses to morph. Apparently, you CAN make this stuff up!!! O_O *A moment of silence*.............................
Anyway, with the rangers off in Wonderland Hell, Daggeron must face the Behemoth as well as Necroli alone as they draw him out for a fight. As they fight, Koragg returns out of no where; meeting the Solaris Knight and challenging him to a fight. Go easy on him tho Daggeron, it's not honorable to destroy a weaker opponent!!!! :P Back in alternate dimensions, the rangers sans Xander are goofing off and having fun while they must find the Daggeron's card to get back home. Too bad they are being chased by a Giant and he manages to capture all of them except Xander...oh come on, why not him first! :( Luckily, Daggeron's forced magic wielding comes in hand as without their mystic morphers (Seriously, he took them and left them defenseless! O_o), Xander manages to perform a spell that makes fruit grow bigger since he just learned how to make things grow and uses it to please the Giant to let the others go. Oh and the Giant has the card all along...oh Daggeron...A-hole!!! ;) As Daggeron is getting his a$$ beaten all of a sudden, the rangers finally return on the Solar Streak train they were on eariler and Xander takes the time to thank him, uada, yada, yada! But who wants to see that when Xander just earned a new spell code him Mystic muscles......I swear those Sentai writers are heavily addicted to wackiness because I...I.....O_O I have no words!!! Oh and the magical train is Solaris Knight's zord that transforms into the Solaris Streak Megazord. Clucky but cute and it up monster into it's engine and incinerates them??? O_O Why do I even bother watching........0_0....
The episode ends with Xander and Daggeron having more of heart to heart, blah, blah, blah, oooo he make his magic broom come to him. MAGIC!!! o_O All and All, "Inner Strength" is harmless and at times entertaining as it has a moral story worth watching and executed well enough despite the usual off putting hijinks of this show!!! O_O
Final Morph: B-
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