Season 14, Episode 28: Light Source, Part 1

"Light Source, Part 1"
Episode 28
Air Episode: October 19th, 2006
Honestly, I don't understand what's the point of Leelee as her characterization MAKES no sense!!! O_O Not to mention, when Nick appropriately stand-off(ish) and mean to Leelee at work, the other rangers have the nerve to question why he was sooo hard on her. Excuse me...WHAT!!?? o_O It takes Nick of all people to remind them that's she's been their enemy without them knowing for so long. I mean come on guys, how dumb are these rangers??? So Leelee wants so much to be good but it doesn't automatically redeem her since she lied to them about who she really was, unknowingly lured Vida into her mother's trap, lured the rangers to the sea cave to unlocked the seal so Necroli could summon Imperious, not to mention, we're the rangers were captured in the underworld, she gleefully loved it and was excited about them possibility being her pets for eternity. O_O The writing here is just poor beyond words and it would make more sense if Leelee's contradicting personality make sense. In this episode, Necroli eludes to Leelee being around humans too much, that's why she's become so "soft" but clearly there's more going on here since Leelee looks human at least. Which once again begs the question, who is Leelee's father??! Was he human?? Was he a monster like her mom?? If the writers actually developed Leelee by exploring her lineage completely and making her sudden shift in morality make sense then I'd be all for it. But now suddenly, you don't like defenseless creatures being captured or harmed??? Give me a break!!! -_- Wah, wah, wah, I don't want to be queen of the vampires, wah, wah, wah, why doesn't anyone believe me that I want to be good??? Now you want to save Udonna alongside Phineas and Clare to prove you're good??? I just moving on....
Anyway, once again, the Ten Terrible's do their little ceremony bull with the stone and now Hekatoid is chosen to confront the rangers. He quickly sets up a deadly trap in the city where an army of poisonous tadpoles will simultaneously fall from the city; destroying everyone in the city. Just gotta love Maddy's fear of frogs being pretty much the ONLY character trait we know about her almost 30 episodes later. -_- Anyway, after sending the rangers sans Solaris Knight to his own dimension, ole Hekster plays the usual dumb game with the rangers; giving them the chance to win when you're evil and just kill them already! -_- Sorry, I'm sick of rooting for these rangers and the villains are now making me want a Tylenol!!! O_o Eventually, the rangers manage to defeat all the Hidiacs with Nick's dumb battlizer, Hekatoid pits the rangers against their evil counterparts. Is it bad the only thing about this is the evil versions have black necks and black capes??? Otherwise, three of rangers gets turned into dice and Maddy destroys a big ole Toad cause that's her only characteristic as I said, so why not! -_- Meanwhile, Daggeron uses the Solar Streak megazord to begin sucking all the poisonous tadpoles into its engine (I while Necroli locates the whereabouts of Koragg with the scale that Scuplin gave her last episode as three of the Terrors prepare to defeat him in order for the Master to be able to resurrect.
Meanwhile, Hekatoid finally brings the rangers to where he is keeping Udonna but tells them they must battle for her. After the 3 rangers return back to normal, they form the Manticore Megazord and manage to defeat Hekatoid as well as save Udonna. Oh, Udonna shouldn't have left on her own......sigh.....then why did none of you...whatever!!! -_- Hekatoid manages to recapture Udonna and escape to another dimension where the rangers begin to follow; ending part 1. Meh!!! That's all I got honestly....I just....Part 2, next! -_-
Final Morph: C-
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