Season 14, Episode 31: Mystic Fate, Part 1

"Mystic Fate, Part 1"
Episode 31
Air Date: November 13th, 2006
Oh so it's going to be one of THOSE finales huh??!! O_O What I mean is a whole bunch of stuff is just happening without any real build up or emotional context to it. Last episode, the Master, the Master of All Evil aka dark magic has risen and could be doing God knows what but we open the episode like it's just an ordinary day in the lives of the Mystic Force. Leanbow suddenly wants to train Nick against the Master but it seems he's only doing it..just cause...NOT that Nick is this prophesied Light that will destroy and defeat the darkness forever, but just cause we need a moment of training before the big showdown. Then how come the rest of the team are at work; sitting around while the biggest and darkest evil imaginable is roaming through the Earth or multiple dimensions plotting your downfall but hey, no need for urgency and extensive preparation, let's just wait and see. At this point, the Ten Terrors are all generic and poorly realized translation of Magiranger's counterparts. Suddenly, Itassis is back to serving the Master and plans to destroy the rangers as well as the world until it takes them having to remind her what she said last episode. I'm sorry what??! You've tried to make this thing morally complex only to turn her to some generic minion of the boss just to have the rangers redeem her and get some forced scene that brings up the whole courage thing from last episode. I'm all for Power Rangers shoehorning messages of bravery, friendship, family, etc. at this point, but it just doesn't make any sense and just makes these villain all powerful for no reason. All of sudden Itassis needs to be reminded to not serve the Master, suddenly Necroli cares about her daughter again just cause it's the finale, suddenly all this last minute magical mythology is being thrown at us that the finale already feels overstuffed and exposition heavy for absolutely no reason.
The Mystic Mother??? O_o Huh??? Where has she been the whole time??! -_- What about the Tribunal of Magic??? You know the keepers of all magic during Dark Wish 3 parter??? What exactly is the hierarchy of these magical world then?? It's all so confusing and makes no sense...once again!!! Are the tribunal just watching this go down and saying, "It doesn't matter as long as magic exists??" O_o if so, do they not care if the Mystic Mother is destroyed than all good magic is lost??? I just....hahahahahahaha!!! Oh look, the Mystic Mother use to be Rita just cause the Japanese actress playing her also played Bandora in Zyuranger. I would enjoy this pit of nice continuity but the finale is already so jarring and problematic I just can't. I guess I can say the sudden battle between a Master possessed Nick turning into the new Koragg and his dad was awesome simply for the extensive, impressive destruction of Root Core as they battled...but this moment of clarity and love between these two men isn't even earned. Nick has barely bonded with Udonna, let alone Leanbow since he found out they were his parents, now all of a sudden the love between a father and son is powerful enough to reverse the Master's corruption of the Light. Speaking of that, why not just destroy Nick there!!?? If he's so detrimental in the finale battle for the good guys to win, why not just take control of him, just kill the bastard! -_- Oh I'm sorry, Nick's parents are married, my bad! :P
If that wasn't bad enough, Udonna gets kidnapped...again! O_O Guess the writers of this season LOVED Princess Shayla so much that they couldn't resist apparently!! God, Udonna is so...I just...what a waste of such an apparently powerful sorceress/ ranger who seems more like a burden at this point than essential to the team. Isn't Udonna suppose to be the most powerful sorceress yet she is so easily captured it's like a running joke at this point, not even funny anymore. I honestly don't care about the Master possibly killing (destroying, meh!) Daggeron and Leanbow's fate while fighting him because the stakes just aren't there. The Master as gruesome looking as he is all "Crush, Kill, Destroy" like so many other forgettable villains that what is the point anymore??? Oh and Phineas being fired by Tobey...why the HELL would you hire him in the first place knowing damn well he'd scare costumers away. You say first hand him scaring every potential customer, now you fired him because you're suddenly business owner?? I just...I just.....*BREATHES*............. Lucky a$$ Jenji tho!! At least he doesn't have to be in the rest of this this painfully jumbled and forced finale...One episode left. So help me God! -_-
Final Morph: D-
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