Season 14, Episode 13: Scaredy Cat

"Scaredy Cat"
Episode 13
Air Episode: May 27th, 2006 (Jetix TV)/June 5th, 2006
Well, we're back to business with this episode but don't get me wrong, "Scaredy Cat" (Seriously? -_-) has it's share of interesting and action packed introductions. After Necroli fails to stop a force field over a sea cave, Leelee of course, goes into the city screaming about monster attacking there to lure the rangers there. What are the rangers up to you say??? Oh they're just helping Phineas with his painful tooth ache by...bringing him into the city for a dentist appointment??? I mean as hilarious as it is, the fact the rangers are able to pull this off by having Tobey take him as they deal with Necroli is just....WOW! Xander's European cousin with a skin condition. claws, etc. Don't get me wrong, Toby interacting with Phineas is pretty funny but you really have to be a completely dense in the head to believe all that........then again....Toby leaves in a city where magical rangers fight hideous large monsters so.....O_O Anyway, after dealing with some Hidiacs guarding the cave, the rangers are able to go in because they're all good and what not to Necroli's glee. I love it how Madison gets scared of a tiny little frog that's on her. After all you've seen since becoming a ranger, something like THAT still scares you?? O_o Deep in the cave, they find some horrifying mummy statue as well as a lamp with the Mystic Force insignia on it. Necroli soon appears since their presence some how destroyed the force field over the cave as she surprisingly isn't after the lamp but the ugly mummy creature thing...the f#$#%??? O_o
Meanwhile, back at Root Core, while discussing what could be in lamp, Nick rubs a bit to clean it...unleashing a very over ecstatic and incredibly silly looking Cat genie named Jenji. Hard to believe Jenji is an ancient genie instead of some kind of comedian since he spends most of his time making jokes and delivering than actually granting the rangers any wishes. You know, a part of me wonders why the rangers do immediately wish know...defeat Necroli and the rest of the forces of darkness so they are never able to return to the surface world but whatever, I have already established this team of rangers are the all. O_o Anyway, Clare comes in and is shocked by the arrival of Jenji, especially since the fire heart egg has been moving and they need to figure out how to hatch it. Ehhhhhh, back in the underworld, Necroli is in the underworld with Leelee as the Master uses it's power to resurrect the mummy thing that turns into the rangers' newest enemy, Master Imperious, an extremely powerful dark wizard Necroli has brought to lead the underworld since Morticon was destroyed and Koragg has been missing since....hmmmmm.... Imperious doesn't waste anytime with theatrics and superior magic showcase as he turns the irritating Leelee in an insect her mother just ignores. Ha!!! I love Imperious more than Morticon already.`
Imperious doesn't much time to confront the rangers as they are called when he arrives in the city. With Clare...sigh...siting on the egg to help it hatch, Nick for some reason takes Jenji with them to help the smartest thing they can do against the enemies right now and they'll never see it coming. Hm! O_o But unfortunately Jenji is as useful as Princess Shyla by running away as Imperious kicks their magical butts into embarrassment. WOW! And I mean it, Imperious power display during this fight is really awesome as he's literally brushes off every one of the rangers' attacks with even stronger attack that devastates the team. Too make matters worse, Imperious grows to the size of Serpentara and literally kicks,,,then swats...yes...swats the Titan Megazord away like a fly.....yeah, you guys are majorly screwed!!! O_O Imperious prepares to finish them off until Jenji gets the courage to wish himself big to the point where he matches Imperious in size and uses the Titan Megazord as a surprise attack against Imperious that actually works. Unfortunately, Imperious' full power hasn't returned to him after being mummified for so long as he retreats for the moment.... the episode ends with Udonna meeting Jenji and of course they know each other, especially when she mentions the whereabouts of "Bowen"....hmmmmm....ohh, and the Fire Heart egg hatches as it's a baby dragon awwwww, that thinks Clare is his mother....oh boy!!! "Scaredy Cat" is pretty eventful and entertaining as well as moves the story along but not to impressed with elements like Jenij and the baby dragon despite a very promising new villain.
Final Morph: B-
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