Season 14, Episode 8: Stranger Within, Part 1

"Stranger Within, Part 1"
Episode 8
Air Date: April 3rd, 2006
Well, this certainly a step in the right direction despite having some issues I am seriously still having with this show. Seriously, why are the rangers acting so nice, even hanging out with Leelee??? Jesus, anyone with eye balls could she something is clearly off, even evil about her but yeah, let's just let her keep coming to the record store to force Nick to like her when she clearly doesn't like the rest of them. Anyway, the rangers are closing up the record store when Leelee wants to go to this hot new DJ's club party when he's in town. Naturally, Nick rejects Leelee's proposal (Seriously, hun, get a clue cause he don't want you! O_o) and Xander can't either, Vida wants to go since...since you know...she's a mediocre DJ as well. So instead of helping the rangers figure out the Fire Heart scroll like she promised, she goes to the party with Leelee but Leelee can't stay because of her mom giving her a hard time about going. But clearly something is going on with this DJ as Vida seems to be in a hypnotic trance all of sudden. Oh it's just....a Fly trap monster in disguise....a fly trap monster...DJ Fly......should we even be surprised at this point with this freakin' show??? O_o The next day, Vida strolls into Root Core after apparently sleeping through the whole day and not knowing it. As Nick and the rest of the team give her a hard time, Vida quickly apologizes and promises she won't let them done again when the rangers are alerted to an attack in the woods. When they arrive, Hidiacs appear but before the rangers can morph, Vida goes into a serious rage mode and manhandles all the Hidiacs on her own...yeah...everyone's all impressed and shocked but I'm just like "Vida, something you'd like to share with the group"??? Anyway, Koragg soon arrives and does that spell yet again to make himself grow to combine with usual. The rangers quickly morph and summon their Mystic Titans (Seriously, who they HELL is that announcer??? O_O) and fight Koragg but he still bests them in battle. When the rangers are about to form the megazord, the sun begins to rise and severely weaken Vida to the point where she demorphs back into herself. I love how Koragg just WALKS away saying, that without her, they are so weak....omg...JUST TAKE ADVANTAGE AND KILL THEM DUDE! -_- I mean, even when Morticon asks why he left and let the rangers live AGAIN, Koragg just brushes him off because apparently "there's no honor in destroying a weaker opponent, he must wait until they get stronger to fight him".......O_O......*About to lose every screw in my damn head* 0_0....Moving on!!!
After the rangers check on Vida, she comes into work literally the next day because she was sleeping all day for hours. Chip is the only one who thinks something is strange and even after checking with Leelee, they pretty much drop their conclusions. I just...Vida is clearly a vampire and all but only Chip has the good sense to pick up on it. Ok, Chip is into comics and the supernatural unlike the others so maybe that's why their skeptical but you guys are freakin' destined warriors who cast spell and fight evil of magic everyday yet when Chip makes accusations about Vida during the next scene at Root Core, the other three just laugh it off! Yes, cause vampires CAN'T exist and various magical creatures like an Orge, a half troll/half goblin and a freakin' army of darkness literally isn't enough for you to believe that as a possibility??? I...these characters can't be that dumb right??? The writers are just joking right??? Ehhwwww!!! -_- Turns out Chip is right as Vida tries to bite him soon after but luckily Chip has a garlic wand thing to protect him. After having a heart to heart with Vida about helping her instead of telling the others (Why???), they head back to that club party she went to the other night as apparently, DJ Fly is turning it up!! Actually, Chip is actually brilliant here as Necroli reveals herself but he is immune to the spell because of ear plugs blocking out the music..HA!!! I have to honestly say I really liked Chip this episode as the character was toned down a bit and we got to see his heroism as well as undying loyalty to Vida as a friend. The following scene after Chip nearly dies saving Vida from DJ Fly (Oh boy! -_-) , we get some history between their friendship and why Chip is so adamant about helping her. It's the first real genuine great character moment of the season with some heartfelt writing and decent performances by both actors.
Meanwhile, the Brainless bunch return to Root Core wondering why the other two didn't come to work where they meet Udonna and what a surprise!!! She confirms vampires do exist, to the rangers clearly being dumbfounded by that little revelation. Madison even uses a spell that reveals Vida has no reflection in her camera. Sigh.....anyway, luckily, the three of them join Vida and Chip in team to regroup and fight DJ Fly as the other teens turned into vampires will be turned to dust by dawn if they don't reverse the spell. As the five fight, they managed to get the upper hand on DJ Fly (Oh I'm sorry, that's any better? -_- ) until he grows and the rangers must summon their Mystic Titans to fight him. After forming the Titan Megazord, the rangers realize it's almost dawn and they must destroy the monster quickly. After Flytrap is destroyed, the teens turn back to normal as the rangers celebrate as well as Vida seemingly back to normal. Only by episode's end, when Chip is teaching the other teens about vampire traps from his club, it's a shocking twist that reveals Vida is STILL A VAMPIRE!!! *GASP* o_O Wasn't expecting that! Part 1, despite the rangers' idiotic disbelief and incompetence during the first half of the episode, it's definitely the best episode so far in terms of character development and moments just for Vida and especially Chip. :)
Final Morph: A-
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