Season 14, Episode 21: Koragg's Trial

"Koragg's Trial"
Episode 21
Air Episode: July 22nd, 2006
Well, well, well, an episode focused on how much Koragg SUCKS!!??? Ha!!! Well, I'm glad Koragg's constant honorable bullcrap and walking away from defeating his enemies has been a plot point all along cause I was a bit pissed off by the other incompetence by a villain who could have easily killed the rangers at ANYTIME so far this season. Seems Imperious is giving Koragg a hardtime, especially because his previous failures with the rangers have led them to become more powerful with the new Legend Warrior Mode. Koragg does his usual blah, blah, blah to defend himself while he just takes his magic back from Necroli with little effort from her. He plans to go after the rangers and defeat them in the name of the Master, blah, blah, blah. Ok, I give Koragg a extremely hard time as a villain but when it comes to battling the rangers, he's always proven to be a badass magic wield, especially fighter as when he challenges the rangers, he's able to defeat 4 of them in their Legend Warrior Mode and force them back into their regular suit forms. Jesus!!! Luckily, when Koragg is about the finish off Nick, Xander comes in just in time to save him despite being sick apparently. As the 4 morphed rangers summon their Legend Warrior Mode once again, they are able to fight off Koragg a lot better this time and manage to defeat him in battle after joining them. They soon summon and form the Manticore Megazord as Koragg forms his Centaurus Wolf Megazord. As the rangers eagerly defeat Koragg and plan to finish him off, the Manticore Megazord suddenly is infect by a powerful virus unleashed on the rangers by Imperious. Koragg does his dishonorable bull and actually saves the rangers from the virus before teleporting away!!! I couldn't have infected him Imperious?!! -_- Back to the underworld, Imperious has finally grown inpatient thanks to the title of this episode as he orders the Hidiacs to capture him as he will be put on trial for betraying the Master for not finishing off the rangers time and time again.
I swear this episode was pretty much an excuse to save some money because it just turns into more of a clip show here for a while than any true plot movement. We see Imperious, Koragg and Necroli each show the Master scenes from the last couple episodes where Koragg continuously walked away to let the rangers and Udonna live, how Koragg was betrayed by Imperious when the Barbarian Beasts attacked him and when Necroli used his magic so much better than him against the rangers. Ha! I do give Koragg credit for using Imperious being formally Calindar but Imperious shows he hasn't been good for a while and never walked away from destroying the rangers. Well played! Sigh...but once again Koragg can't stop it with the honor crap and gets into a fight with Imperious that the Master must intervene. He tells them he will make one of them the new leader of his army if they can defeat Solaris Knight in battle while the loser will be banished...FOREVER!!! o_O Meanwhile, the rangers have been painting a mural for Tobey's record shop while Xander uses his former sickness as a way to get out of helping...why am I not surprised?!!! -_- Seriously, what a selfish jerk!!! Ehhhhh!!!
Anyway, Imperious and Koragg soon confront Daggeron as he quickly morphs and fights them off. While Koragg plays fair, Imperious takes advantage and plans to finish him off himself to Koragg's surprise. Yes, Koragg, this is was REAL evil looks like...I know! O_o Luckily, Udonna contacted the rangers to help Solaris Knight as they arrive just in time to help him battle both villains. It's a pretty good fight, Kalishplosions spoiling most of it but it's always great seeing the rangers in their Legend Warrior Mode. With the six rangers being too much of a match for them this time, they both retreat at the moment as Daggeron thanks them for coming to his aid. Meanwhile, back at in the underworld, the Master surprisingly takes mercy on both his servants...for now, as Koragg plans to reveal Imperious as the true traitor before getting random vision of that damn baby in the red blanket....Jesus, how long is it gonna take the writers to reveal the obvious at this point. I mean it's sooo obvious I bet the kids have already figured it out by this time watching it! Ehhhh!!! Oh and Xander takes all the credit for the rangers painting the mural when Tobey LOVES it!!! Seriously, why are they friends with this narcissistic, self obsessed d!ck!! O_O Whatever as all and all, "Koragg's Trial" was alright because at least the writers address that Koragg has been an infuriatingly confusing villain but it doesn't necessarily improve on him either, so we get an episode somewhere in the middle range!
Final Morph: C
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