Season 14, Episode 22: Heir Apparent, Part 1

"Heir Apparent, Part 1"
Episode 22
Air Episode: July 29th, 2006
Well, I'll give the writers some merit for finally putting some annoying plot lines to rest that haven't made much sense, especially when yet another multi-parter starts out as promising as this. I mean some plot lines can pretty much already solved by the audience at this point since the mystery of Udonna's son and Nick's linage are SOOOO obvious, it's one of those truly insulting writing moments that you can't believe the writers really think kids are that dumb...WOW! Anyway, Imperious is up to no good as he plans to poison the Master just so he become the new ruler of the darkness and conquer the surface world...before Old Honorable catches him and spoils his fun. Luckily, Imperious is a good liar and tells Koragg the Master wants him to steal the rangers' Legend Warrior powers so they have enough power to make him rise. Koragg does such as Daggeron and Nick are busy sword training in front of Udonna and the rangers. Seems Nick as well as the other rangers are getting a lot better with their training...before Chip spills the tea about Leanbow to everyone's shock. Note to self, NEVER tell Chip a secret! -_- This leads Udonna and Daggeron to tell the rangers more about the Great War by filling them in on some things they didn't know like Leanbow being Udonna's husband and the father of her child. Leanbow was also Daggeron's mentor when it came to his fighting as a knight but during the final battle of the Great War, Leanbow led the army of good magic against the forces of darkness, but trapped himself behind the Gates of the Underworld to continue the fight on his own while the Gatekeeper closed it and sent it back to the underworld. Meanwhile, since baby Bowen is going to inherit some incredible powers since it's prophecy and whatever, Daggeron was tasked to take him to safety before the forces of darkness could get him. Of course, we know from there, Calindar betrayed the Mystic Force and planned to destroy the child but Daggeron and he got trapped in that cave during their battle while Phineas snagged the baby and brought him to the human world for safe keeping.
Honestly, I don't get how Nick is listening to all this and doesn't even think for one second, "Hey the child is still alive....I was adopted and am tracking done my parents in Briarwood....maybe I'M...." o_O Anyway, the rangers are summoned to fight Koragg while Daggeron heads to the dimension of lost souls to confront Imperious. As the rangers arrive and battle Koragg with their Legend Warrior powers, Daggeron arrives in the dimension where Imperious is waiting for him. After some false baiting into thinking he wants to be good again, Imperious attacks Daggeron and the two begin their fight. The fight soon leads to Imperious facing off Solaris Knight in his Solaris Streak Megazord but unfortunately, it was all yet another part of Imperious' plan to steal his megazord's power as Daggeron falls to the ground in defeat. Damn! If things aren't getting bad enough, Imperious performs some forbidden spell that resurrects all the lost souls in the dimension to create a vicious and incredibly powerful Chimera creature. As the creature tosses Daggeron around, Imperious reveals that now he has the power to drag the rangers into the underworld to use their Legend Warrior powers to bring the Master back! Then...he seemingly kills...oh God, destroys Daggeron as Jenji jumps in during the blast to try to save him. Gotta give Imperious credit, he's the most proactive and efficient villain this season as so far, his plans are the only real victories the villains have had over the rangers so far this season. O_o As Koragg continues to fight the rangers, the Chimera monster appears to tell Koragg to summon them to the underworld by the Master's order and he does so. In the underworld, the rangers are immediately captured and I just LOVE how they think Leelee was captured too. That's hat you guys get for think this obviously evil b!tch wasn't infiltrating you guys all along. Awww she wants to keep them as pets for eternity, see what I mean!!! O_o
Anyway, with Daggeron seemingly dead and the rangers trapped in the underworld, Udonna realizes she has no choice but to use the Book of Dark Spells to rescue them even tho Clare warns her that her powers will be gone forever if she uses one of those spells. I actually love how stern and assertive Udonna is here in her desperation to save the rangers and moment she actually saves the rangers in the underworld was pretty badass!!! But unfortunately, in stopping the rangers from being drained, the Master begins to attack her and destroy her as everyone watches in horror. Suddenly, Koragg gets more and more of those weird, random flashbacks that clearly means he's Leanbow as he jumps in to save her out of no where and transforms back into Leanbow himself after that hideous Mystic Mode thing. O_o So far, kind of predictable but an excitable first half of this two part story as the plot moves at a swifter pace and the action as well as plot stays consistently entertaining for once throughout.
Final Morph: A-
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