Season 22, Episode 9: When Logic Fails

"When Logic Fails"
Episode 9
Air Date: August 22nd, 2015

Honestly, the real irony here is that "When Logic Fails" is too appropriate a title for this episode that tries to teach a lesson about making the right choice vs the logic one.  Logic shouldn't have failed because the other rangers could have been perfectly capable of getting out of Puzzler's maze if they had just used common sense to just....I don't know....MORPH! O_o  It is surprising uncharacteristically dumb of the them, especially when there was no indication or even a plot point of the rangers NOT BEING ABLE to morph!  And it's really unfortunate because before that point in the story, the episode was going fairly well as usual.  Fury may have the Ptera charger but when unable to power it up and Poisandra once again winning favoritism over him by Sledge, Fury gets kicked out of the ship by the mean green bounty hunter but forms a plan to charge up the...well charger to gain access to the Ptera zord.  Like I said, the rangers end up trapped in a maze when they arrive at the abandon building Fury is at; trying to track down his lab.  This episode is really all about showcasing Riley's apparent ability to use science and mathematics aka geometry to figure out to travel throw the maze instead of getting trapped like the others.  But it all seems too over elaborate and wasting time in my opinion when plot holes start building up.  Why didn't Chase trying leaving the building when that door opened to outside??? The rangers STILL had access to their zords and powers; we didn't need to see Riley being so smart and trying to outsmart the monster in favor of saving his friends.

The rangers were perfectly capable of saving themselves and could have figured it out if they just used their powers.  I mean they were freezing to death and not ONE OF THEM thought "maybe I should try morphing before dying of being frozen to death???" O_o  Also, I honestly don't get how the marble thing worked??? So because Riley figured out the logistics of the maze through the air vents he can just contact the rangers' via his marbles and help them find their way out???  It just doesn't make sense and instead of Riley actively getting back that Ptera charger, Fury is able to energize it and use it to summon the Ptrea Zord, which becomes under his control.  Even if in the end, Fury lost control of the zord during the final battle between Puzzler and the Dino Charge Megazord, he can still power it up again, especially considering he used the energy from that entity within him to give it power again.  The mystery behind what or who could be inside of Fury is still being built upon well, it's just I wish this episode wasn't such a nonsensical filler for the most part instead of heavily building upon that.

At the end of the day, the lesson once again is Riley going with his heart instead of the logical plan....only it could have endangered the rangers and been an even bigger loss, but they could have been destroyed along with the city with Fury now having such a powerful weapon at his disposal.  I mean even Fury gets back into Sledge's good graces again by the end of the episode thanks to gaining power over a zord.  Too bad Poisandra hilariously don't take it well.  LOL Overall, "When Logic Fails" is too flawed and full of plotholes for me to enjoy it.  Even if it is building on one intriguing plot point with Fury and the energy inside him (Ewww! :P) , the plot of the episode is just passing time and does it very frustratingly at the expense of the rangers' usual intelligence and forward thinking so far. :(

Final Morph: D+


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