Season 22, Episode 5: Breaking Black
"Breaking Black"
Episode 5
Air Date: March 7th, 2015
I have to say, Chase is a very odd yet charming character. Clearly he is self involved with his looks and only seems interested in getting with women, almost like Lucas from Time Force. But instead of knowing when to take things seriously when his officer duties came first like Lucas, Chase can get a bit too distracted by his vain and vapidness to the point where the episode opens with him almost putting the restaurant and subsequently the entire museum under fire....literally by ignoring his grill duties. It's STILL hard NOT to like Chase tho, as James Davies really sells that charming quality that makes Chase still so lovable despite his obvious flaws. Honestly, Chase feels like what Jake should have been the past two seasons....if you know, his character actually got some development pasted soccer playing and "I love Gia!" -_- Chase needs to seriously check his priorities, especially when the team starts questioning his focus after said fire incident. Here comes Moana (NOT the Disney princess! :P), a shop keeper who apparently looks after mystical items; needing Chase to help watch over her store. I really enjoy the relationship between these two and how we learn why Moana became so trustworthy of Chase of all people. Tho that whole runaway baby carriage sequence.....DEAR LAWD!!! What is with this show and the complete negligence of baby carriages!??? Almost seems like a running gag at this point that was never funny in the first place. Tho the bit where Moana reveals the baby was actually her cat to Chase' sarcastic disbelief is priceless! LOL Such strong humor this season! :)
It also leads to the rangers finding out how Chase got his energem as Moana gave it to Chase after him saving her cat. Seems the energem attaches itself to noble, heroic people....even if it was a cat! :P But of course, the lesson of Chase being dependable when it counts comes in the form of Sledge's latest monster, Spellbinder, using a mystical pendent he steals from Moana's shop, while Chase was suppose to be on watch I might add, to put a mind control spell on Chase himself. It seems the spell only works when Chase is NOT on his skateboard, as apparently, his way of concentrating is being on his skateboard??? O_o Tho how that is gonna work with him using the grill and moving around the restaurant seems kind of dangerous. But in the end, it does work by helping Chase be temporarily free of the spell to be able to save the others from the spell as well. Hey, that rhymed! :P Even Keeper manages to be a useful mentor and give Chase some advice about his mistakes. WOW! Mentors actually mentoring!??? This show is contradicting everything we have come to know about the Neo Saban era at this point! Lol On a serious note tho, the rangers get another weapon given to them this episode, the Dino Spike, which Kendall creates so the rangers can combine all their weapons. But unlike the past 2 seasons, it's once again warranted because of Spellbinder's incredible speed and cape that their weapons can't get through. What is going on!??? Stop making sense! It hurts too much! *Cries*
Anyway, on the villain side of things, we also get a new baddie introduced to Sledge's crew that I forgot to mention in my last review aka Curio. Who.....looks like a Christmas ornament come to life but was only made as a present by Wrench to Poisandra to keep busy from nagging him about their wedding. LOL Gotta say I love the interaction here between Curio and the rangers, especially during that unexpected morphed fight sequence when Shelby tosses him around. LOL Also during the morphed fight when Shelby once again owns him in battle. Seriously, so much personality and hilarity during the fights that make them so interesting. I mean if there's going to be fight banter, make it just as entertaining as the fight itself. Bravo! Lastly, the rangers also debut the Dino Charge Megazord Para-Raptor Formation after Chase summons his megazord from.....Hogwarts apparently!!! The hell!??? O_O I guess Siltherian are in charge of protecting it!? :P At the end of the day, Breaking Black (Ha, awesome title! :) is another great outing for the show. It isn't perfect but the show feels so fresh and fun after two of the most uninspired seasons yet. :)
Final Morph: B+
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