Season 21, Episode 18: Emperor Mavro
"Emperor Mavro"
Episode 18
Air Date: November 8th, 2014
Honestly, I'm starting to wonder if ANYONE cared about this show in general, let alone the anniversary season. Not only is Mega Frustrating a disappointment, but it almost seems like a pet project for a group of people learning how to manage as well as make a show. Not by professionals in the least! It's one thing to dumb down a show because you think it's just a stupid kids show to profit off of the toys it markets but it's another to write and produce a show worse than A LOT of fan fiction I have read!!! -_- After Vrak and Vekar's demise, their father, the emperor, arrives to shun and take over the armada for failing so miserably for getting Vekar destroyed, NOT conquering the Earth by now and revenge over the rangers killing his son(s). Yes, plural, which mean the armada were just watching Vrak go after the rangers and potentially ruin their own plans for conquest over the Earth!??? -_- Oh and what the hell is up with Damarus and his apparent significance at the "The most powerful warrior in the universe"......Something Orion proclaims as well as Damaurs himself throughout the episode, to destroy the rangers himself to prove himself to the Emperor.
You have got to be kidding me! Damarus had done next to nothing against the rangers and was only sent by the Emperor to watch over Vekar as we learn only 3 episodes ago. Now all of a sudden he's this overwhelmingly powerful enemy that is the most dangerous challenge the rangers have ever faced. God, this show is such a buzzkill!!! Usually when villain types like this are introduced, it's actually warranted and built upon but NOPE! Damarus suddenly is this HUGE threat that the rangers may not be able to defeat cause "most powerful warrior in the UNIVERSE!" You would think with such a title he would have been sent MUCH earlier at some point to destroy the rangers or be treated with more fear and respect on the mothership of the armada but he's been treat like any other regular general who can be dispatched like any other until this point. It just shows you that the writers had absolutely no plan or point to this season from the beginning by just writing things as they come along. A season of television even one like Power Rangers, needs some type of outline of where the story is going and leading too but NOT HERE! Even with how the show is made, previous, MORE talented and caring writers knew what they had planned for their seasons even if the Sentai footage was still be aired or not yet sent to them. But's like.....whatever we get, let's just write it even tho the story we're telling doesn't match the footage we have used or shown up to this point.
What was the point of capturing Troy and using him to instill fear in humanity??? I'm surprised no one noticed him even with the blindfold like Ernie for example and......why is Troy even morphed??? O_O I.....*jumps into a waterfall and hopes I don't make it* I love how Damarus just slices a building in half, potential killing hundreds, if no hundreds of thousands of people, but the same attack just...knocks the rangers back to the ground????! What the???!! And the rangers, despite Damarus' tough talk about being the greatest warrior in the universe is defeated ultimately like any other monster this season! Surprisingly without a random upgrade or zord they have earned by Gosei.....which would have made sense more in this episode than any other if you're trying to build up one of the villains as the greatest warrior in the freakin' universe!!!! HOLY JEEZZEE!!! O_O And that's not even the worse part of the episode! As for the arbitrary wrap up last scene of the episode, the rangers go to a rock concert.....that apparently Antonio and Mia are the leads of. Oh don't worry, it's absolutely NOT a continuity scene by showing the two teams meeting, it's the editors using old footage to show a rock group playing as the rangers attend. Yet it's lazily old footage of the new rangers of an episode where they were singing as a band. I can NOT even wrap my head around such idiocy! How did the franchise make it pass this season! Dear Lord, absurdity in its purest form! *Headdesk, headdesk, headdesk, headdesk!!!*
Final Morph: F
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