Season 9, Episode 21: Hostage
Episode 21
Air Date: May 7th, 2010
After last episode seemed like the penultimate episode of the season, Hostage is in fact the real deal and seems like a bit of a pit stop on the journey toward the apocalyptic Kandorian war that's about to break out but I have to say, it's always great to see Martha Kent on Smallville and her return after 3 seasons is still welcomed. Annette O' Toole jumps back to her Ma Kent role like she never left, even if I remember her hair being a little less gray and more red. ;) Each scene with her just brings me right back to the classic early years of the show where the Kents were always giving words of wisdom to the young ones of the cast, especially Clark. It just makes you realize how much the cast and the show have grown as now Clark and Lois are the adults now working out their lives while Martha comes home to trust in that maturity in them but giving them some words of encourage to work through their current issues. But Martha Kent isn't the only returning Smallville star as her husband Micheal McKean returns as Perry White as they are both dating now. LOL I just wonder what Jonathan would have thought seeing them together! But I love how the writers first have Clark and Martha reunite over Jonathan's death while Lois freaks out of meeting THEE Perry White as it turns out they are both working on a story about the Book of Rao apparently. Yeah, that Book of Rao is becoming such an essential plot point. But it's great to see the legendary reporter and her future editor and chief working together for the first time as both Erica and Michael bounce off each so well.
But we also get a scene of Lois and Martha catching as Lois is dealing with her lack of calling after losing her job while Clark and Perry catch up over reporting and oh yeah, him dating his mom now. He wants to propose already after just meeting her a few months ago??? O_o Then again they sort of have a history and maybe Perry wants to finally settle down since he ain't getting any younger. Meanwhile, Clark and Lois are dealing with yet another fallout in their relationship as Lois wants a break right when Mama Kent shows up. Awkward much??? Well of course Clark wants them to hide it while they settle things out but nope, Lois wants more in her life and a calling since she's been talking to the well as breaking up with Clark during dinner with him, Ma and Perry. YIKES!!! It's a pretty emotional moment, especially when Clark lets her go to find herself. I love how it leads to Perry and Lois chasing after the mysterious gorgeous legs of the Red Queen but get side tracked by her having to save Perry from falling. I love how both her and Clark are busy saving lives at that moment as we get a cool sequence of the Blur catching the falling billboard that almost crushes a whole crowd before speeding away. I love how Clark just leaves Lois to save Perry as he watches and trust her to go after watch she wants. God their relationship is so touching and I'm so glad the layers that have been building on their relationship since last season.
In terms of side plots, Chloe is busy trying to reboot the destroyed Watchtower while helping Clark find the Book of Rao; which leads to an unforeseen moment of her finally coping about the fact she's been locking herself away from the world while watching it as Clark needs her to pull herself together to bring Watchtower back. "You know Clark. Even when I hurt, I do it to protect you.: Oh really!? THAT"S the reason you're going with. Pathetic catharsis seems pathetic!!! -_- Then you have Tess being trapped in some bizarre, twisted version of the mansion but it's pretty obvious it's all in her head when Maxwell Lord in her captor. Yeah, they didn't really need Oliver shoved into this as he was only apart of Maxwell's mental illusion to track down the Book of Rao. Turns out Tess had it all along after she escapes Maxwell's mind games and is confronted by the Red Queen who finally reveals herself. Oh come on, of course it's Martha! You don't just bring back Annette O' Toole for nothing! Not to mention, I recall the the trailer for the episode spoiled back then so....mysterious unknown player is not so mysterious anymore! -_- But it does make sense for Martha to become this powerful figure in the underworld, using her US Senator status to secretly keep tabs on Clark and protect him from after all this time. Honestly, Jonathan and Martha are the only characters on this show who would have extreme reasons to protect Clark and I honestly get her keeping it as a secret role from Clark....who ends up figuring it out pretty fast. I loved their last scene together as Martha gives him the Book of Rao that Tess apparently had all along. When did she??? Well considering Chloe's cameras and her almost stopping by unannounced. But it's a truly emotional scene and not just because of Clark stepping up as a hero while his mother tries to be strong, it seems the Book of Rao is meant to transport all Kryptonians to another plane of existence....meaning if Clark uses it, it's bye bye Blur! Oh man! What a cliffhanger! :)
Hostage seems very unconventional for a penultimate episode with the show taking mostly a breather between one of its most explosive set-ups for an finale and the anticipated finale itself! But with the return of Martha Kent, Perry White (who manages to get Lois and Clark back their jobs at the Planet! Nice callback with the returned favor from Perry :) was enjoyable enough that it helped in Lois' development and leaving a lot more at stake at the very end with the Book of Rao's purpose being revealed! It's finale time and there's A LOT to live up to this time in a long while! Can the writers deliver what they set-up all year??? O_O
Final Kryptonite: B-
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