Season 21, Episode 3: Blue Saber Saga

"Blue Saber Saga"
Episode 3
Air Date: March 1st, 2014

So we get yet another Noah focus episode as the third episode of the season like the last and it's almost the same exact episode because its just reusing the same plot point from that episode here! -_-  Oh Noah suddenly thinks he's not good enough to be a ranger again, this time, because some new monster named Skatanna brutally defeats him in battle that he feels he needs to train hard by himself and master how to use his Super Mega Saber.  Ok one! -_- This only highlights that this animosity/dual between the Blue Ranger and Skatanna made WAAYYYY more sense in Gokaiger because for both Noah and Skatanna want so bad to fight each other is so random that it only makes sense that the writers are just trying to make the Sentai make sense in context! But why not just use other footage that makes more sense to make a story out of!??  Also, Skatanna wanting to only battle makes no sense since he already beat him in battle but since the other rangers interrupted their fight, he wants to fight him on the beach once again to see who the better fighter is.  It would have made more sense if Noah beat him battle and Skatanna had something to prove to the Prince as well as the generals of the Armada.  But ok, let's force some "character development" for Noah that has already has been there, done that.  Why would he question and doubt himself when last season Jake helped him to realize how valuable he was to the team and proved he is essential to the team like the others are??? O_O SMDH.....

On a plus side, it's once again nice to see the rangers transform into previous teams, this time they transform in Jungle Fury which was cool.  But it just made me miss Casey, RJ, Lily and Dominic instead of this group of teens who have nothing to them beside their 2 dimensional personalities that STILL haven't been developed on! -_-  But hey who needs that when we can watch Noah be a badass and prove himself...AGAIN when there is no situation that calls for it!  Anyway, the final fight on the beach goes about as well as you'd expect with the rangers having to jump in to temporarily help since Skatanna sets up a trap! Now that would have made more sense instead of wanting to just face off against Noah again but whatever! Oh and there's some seriously bad acting from Emma and since when did her and Noah have such a strong bond??? Moving on, the rangers soon give him their sabers and he some how unlocks the powers of 5 blue rangers that have never been used before....AHAHAHAHHAH! And one of those powers! Noah unlocked a power he already has and shouldn't even be using anymore. Also the rangers can just morph into Super Mega Mode without morphing into Megaforce?!??? Ohhhhh ok.....:).......*Gets a grenade launcher* -_-

Noah defeats the monster but of course, Levira makes him grow as well as some other foot soldiers called bruisers! Guess what, the rangers unlock yet another zord/power!?  I know!!! :) *Fork in face*  Yes, the Mystic Force zord that turns the Legendary megazord into a form similar to the Titan Megazord.  Why??? Courage and other bullsh!t because of apparently that's all these rangers need to do to get endless power-ups, zords, etc.  "Let's not stop fighting guys and not improve as rangers or people! Yeah!" "Rangers you have just unlocked a new zord!" Makes it EASY! The day is saved without little effort needed and the rangers walk home congratulating Noah for being such a badass and a true warrior.......just next episode! -_-

Final Morph: F


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