Season 21, Episode 5: Samurai Surprise

"Samurai Surprise"
Episode 5
Air Date: March 15th, 2014

..........I just don't know what to say anymore! This show is so incompetent and insulting it's almost as if Tzachor and the writers just purposefully made this show as bad as it is.  There is nothing at stake here at all when the stakes should be higher than ever for the 20th anniversary.....which is being celebrated in the 21st season I might add! -_-  Who even cares about continuity when the rangers are summoning powers that have never been seen before but you have moments like Gia calling out "Legendary Ranger Blitz" like it's suppose to mean something when it's amounts to nothing! Who are these never before seen rangers??? How did their powers come to be in the possession of Gosei!??? What is the backstory on them!???  No one know, no one cares, but the writers write this crap into the episode like it's suppose to be cool and mean something when it's just messing up the story of the show.  Oh I'm sorry, what story??? The villains are beyond pathetic, especially the main villain aka the Prince, who in this episode, is about as weak and meek as......honestly, no villain has been THIS feeble and a joke! Even Lothor could at least be a masterful fighter and handle all 6 rangers with ease! Even Divatox made herself look more intimidating and manage to destroy the Turbo powers, zords, etc.  Prince Vekar get his with one measly blast from a ranger's weapon and immediately begins crying! How do these general even respect him!??? Especially one of his father/the Emperor's generals returns to help the armada takeover the Earth because apparently with a limitless army of fighter, spaceships, foot soliders, the villains are having so much trouble taking over Earth. O_O *Head multiple desks*

Sad, Matacore could have had potential as he walks on the ship, defeating X-Borgs and pretty much chastising the villains for sucking so much.  He even manages to put up the best fight against the rangers despite their various modes. Honestly, it's not even fun seeing old ranger teams being summoned through legendary mode anymore....especially when the rangers summon the MMPR powers and are so easily defeated it's like....crushing! The MMPR may have not been the strongest team, but they were first of the franchise! The most iconic! This fight should have been epic but the writers just use footage from the Sentai when that Sentai wasn't even huge or as important as MMPR in America!!!! -_- Lost Galaxy! Just makes me want to watch that season as usual! Who cares! This suits are being worn by rangers who STILL have no personalities besides the basic ones introduce since last season! Who cares if Mentor Ji and Jayden return because their return makes no sense (What a surprise!)  What's with the symbol disc being given to them!??? What is even the significance of it.  Not to mention, hearing Troy and the other guys calling Jayden legendary is just.....AHAHAHAHAH! Please! Barely memorable at best! :P

Oh and we see Zeo, Time Force, In Space, etc. transformations but more Sentai exclusive suits that have no point being on this show.  The rangers keep morphing from Megaforce to Super Mega to Legendary, over and brain began to bleed out of my ear! How can such an awesome concept, fights and footage be so underwhelming and pitiful!???  I have no words! Where is even Gosei and Tansou mentoring the rangers!??? Teaching them about the previous 19 teams of rangers and helping them master their new powers!??? Enough with the damn handouts of new zords!?? Every time the rangers are in trouble, "Rangers! You have just unlocked this!" EVERY. SINGLE. EPISODE!!!  This team is beyond overpowered! O_O  They are the most spoiled rangers of ANY season! With all this power, who needs growth??? Maturity!??? Interesting character dynamics that are built through character development.  At this point, they could confront the armada head on and destroy the threat to Earth but let's just make more jokes about Ernie's FroYo and Mia's bad cooking from last season! AHAHAHA remember that kids! This is just.....I can't describe the unprofessional insanity of this show! How so much money was put into this and waste beyond capacity!  This half assery I'll call it doesn't even seem like these people should have even been given a writing position to begin with.  I've seen more coherent and riveting fan fiction! WOW.......

Final Morph: F


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