Season 21, Episode 9: Power of Six

"Power of Six"
Episode 9
Air Date: August 22nd, 2014/August 30th, 2014

I guess I should be just grateful that a character like Orion has arrived as he already seems to be the ranger with the most maturity and depth considering the rest of the team, like I said, are a bunch of two dimensional stand ins walking around at this point.  Of course, this episode is centered around Jake but it only highlights how awesome and focused Orion is as apposed to Jake's lackluster performance as a ranger this episode is due to his jealousy of Gia being all over Orion.  It's like Red With Envy and I honestly didn't like that plot either because it just made Andros look like a complete jerk while highlighting how Zhane handling the situation logically.  Here, all Jake can do is groan and glare at Orion all episode because the rangers, especially Gia, keep complementing him on how awesome he is at fighting.  Honestly, I get the whole Jake having a crush on Gia thing, but there has literally been no plot movement with that! Even by the end of the episode, Gia, while seemingly all over Jake for helping to save the day, their relationship doesn't change or go anywhere.  At least in In Space, after Andros lost it and finally apologized, he finally got the nerve to confront Ashley about at least going on a date even if Ashley was the one who ended up asking him first.  I just don't get these characters and their personal motivations.  What exactly does Jake see in Gia and why haven't the writers at least tried to make his feelings more paramount instead of him directly going to her for a date???

Anyway, like I said, this isn't a good episode for Jake's character, who has been one of the more lighthearted and tolerable character despite being severely underdeveloped.  Outside of him being a soccer player and having a crush on Gia, this episode doesn't explore anything in-depth about him and rather makes him look like an immature brat who needs to clean up his own mess.  Even after 4 rangers, including Gia, are out of the loop, he rather continue being resentful of Orion and go out on his own to save the day rather then coming up with a plan with Orion to save the day.  It takes Orion catching up to him and reminding him of what HE lost after Andresia was destroyed and how he's fueled by the weight of letting his family get slaughtered by the armada.  Immediately, I absolutely applaud the continued characterization of Orion and how fleshed out he already is compared to the others.  It makes Jake's dilemma seems so childish and ridiculous; having Orion having to teach HIM a lesson when Troy ironically appointed Jake as Orion mentor for the day!!??? O_O  I'm just.......don't get how this was suppose to be an episode devoted to Jake when it just undermines his character in the end as just some loser after a girl on the team instead having to realize what really matters by a character that just arrived!!!! -_-

Anyway, Vekar sends down yet another monster, Skeltox, to destroy the Earth by stealing human beings' energy aka making them fall asleep??? O_o all leads to Jake and Orion finally teaming up and using more ranger forms that dont make sense! Grghhhhh! -_- So Orion meanwhile discovers how to access all the power of the sixth rangers; giving him that very bizarre and heavy looking upgrade that helps him defeat the monster.  Oh and earlier, he unlocked RPM's sixth and seventh rangers which lead him to getting this upgrade in the first Well Gosei of course because SHUT UP! -_-  Anyway, all the victims including the rangers wake up and join in the fight leading to both the Legendary Megazord and Q-Rex zord joining forces in battle to destroy Skeltox once and for all.  I love how responsible Orion even proves to be with his job working for Ernie.  Tho.....I could have done without the extended dance montage around the high school during the opening!!! O_O  Dude is living in a locker and no one on the team can provide him shelter??? He can't leave at the base with Gosei and Tensou at least!??? What the hell!??? O_O

Final Morph: C


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