Season 21, Episode 2: Earth Fights Back

"Earth Fights Back"
Episode 2
Air Date: February 22nd, 2014

So with such an inspiring title as "Earth Fights Back", you think that the episode would be really important in showing humanity showing how strong they are being in the face of the looming threat over them as the rangers are pushed hard to try to master their new powers with the overwhelming odds in front of them.  HAHAHAHAHA! It's Super Megaforce, this is about as generic and empty of an episode as you'd expect with the whole humanity dealing with the fallout of the first wave of the invasion like a minor inconvenience with everyone chipping in to help rebuild but acting like it's this great activity that they are having fun doing.  Idk, it all feels so skimmed over at best with no real consequences for the new evil that is literally outside their door ready to overwhelm them again. -_-   This episode just doesn't feel out of the ordinary at all and if anything, begins to highlight the many hair pulling, ridiculousness of this disappointing season.  So Troy is busy still moping around about Robo Knight like he just loss the love of his life while the rangers are busy at Ernie's rebuilding and making fools of themselves as usual.  Troy soon stumbles the armada's latest plan led by Cybax, a new monster and a squad of X-Borgs who are planning to destroy the world....with a bunch of nuclear missiles that would destroy every major city in the world.  WOW! O_O  But don't get too excited tho because it's no where near as awesome as it might sound, not even close. -_-

Honestly, it's just Troy for a majority of the episode standing up to the Cybax and his foot soldiers but it makes no sense why he just stays in his MUCH less powerful Megaforce morph when he can just Super Mega mode and legendary mode to defeat his opponents faster! But whatever, it's just a bunch of repetitive fight scenes while he tries to contact the rangers but has to hold them off until Gosei and Tensou alter them to the trouble.  Soon the other 4 rangers arrive but are met with an army of X-Borgs trying to seriously delay them.  Once again, why even BOTHER with Megaforce morphing when Super Mega mode and legendary mode are the primary powers!?? Anyway, it was cool seeing them transform into the RPM Rangers....but then all of a sudden the rangers unlock some new, never before seen ranger powers that have NEVER been seen on this show before.  Yes, the Dairanger suits are used with absolutely no context to them.  Just some random new powers on top of the rangers already being far too powerful.  No explanation of where these new powers come from or maybe even give the powers a quick backstory of a lost team of Power Rangers but whatever.  Let's just watch random, relentless fight scenes that have no rhyme or reason to be used besides....AAAAAAAAACTION! -_-

Anyway, Troy FINALLY morphs into Super Mega mode as the other rangers join him.  All 5 rangers soon use their legendary mode to fight Cybax, including S.P.D. to finally put him down.  But of course, the armada makes him grow with their maximizer and the rangers summon the skyship to form the Legendary Megazord.  Some how they unlock the S.P.D. delta runner zord....because Gosei just says so and they easily defeat the monster of the day.  Oh and Troy manages to destroy the missiles on his own FINALLY before the rangers even show up.  So what is the moral of today's episode??? Humanity can accomplish anything if they work together......isn't that the same thing EVERY episode!??? O_O  Jesus, what's the point!!! Jesus, those pointless scenes of the Dairanger suits in action instead of an actual team of rangers that were adapted into Power Rangers!!! All the motivation is humanity can work together and defeat anything that comes out of them!!! Makes sense when the stakes are so low during a season where they should be at their highest yet!!! -_-
Final Morph: F


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