Spider-man: No Way Home Review

Spider-man: No Way Home (2021)
Directed by: Jon Watts
Written by: Chris McKenna, Erik Sommers and Stan Lee (based on Marvel comic book)
Starring: Tom Holland, Zendaya, Benedict Cumberbatch, William Defoe, Jamie Foxx, Jon Favreau, etc. 

I want to first say that this will be one of the hardest reviews that I ever had to write without spoiling certain aspects of the film as I want to respect that fact that this is one of the most spoiler loaded films in recent years; meaning that reviewers desperately want audiences who haven't seen it to go in not expecting something that may or may not be implied. I decided to finally see the highly anticipated and massively spoiled online third film in the MCU/Sony's "Home" trilogy of Spider-man.  So I think I'm gonna take it easy with this one unless I decide to make a spoilers version of this review at some point.  Hmmmmmm, maybe....I'm still thinking about it.  But what I can say about "No Way Home" is.....if you are looking for the ultimate Spider-man movie here as a long time fan of the beloved character....you will be walking out in sheer utter belief and with the biggest smile in your heart.  I know it sounds cheesy but that's honestly the only way I can explain the incredible ride and trust me, it is an exceptional roller-coaster of a film!  I have to admit, I have NEVER seen the first 2 films of Tom Holland's Spider-man but I have seen him in "Civil War", "Infinity War" and of course, that forever epic final 3rd act of "Endgame".  In those films, Holland's Peter, of course, is a much younger version of Peter that we have ever seen before onscreen.  He's excitable, naive but ready and willing to put himself out there to help his fellow heroes. But when compared to Tobey Maguire's original Spider-man and Andrew Garfield's more recent "Amazing" franchise (and NOPE! I won't mention if they are in the movie or not, just go see it thank you! O_O lol), Tom's Peter Parker/Spider-man never seemed as complex or having as much depth as what they went through in their respective film franchises.  If anything, Tom's Spider-man has never had to face any real serious consequences or moments of defining tragedy that we associate with Spider-man's immense appeal and story.....well until now.

The film starts off immediately where the last one ended and it seems Peter's identity has been revealed to the world thanks to Mysterio before his untimely death.  And I have to say while not following the trilogy up to the last film in it, this was a great way to tell a more in-depth and urgent story of Spider-man that finally gives his films, not to mention the MCU's version of the character some immediate gravitas that adds so much more stakes to his story than possibly ANY Spider-man film up to this point.  I have to say, Tom Holland is at center stage and I don't know how well he carried his previous 2 films as the famed wall crawler but this is by far one of, if not his best performance of Peter Parker alone that I have seen from him.  And that for sure has to do with the events that transpire throughout the film that really test him as both the man behind the mask and the arachnid hero who enters the most tumultuous time of his life as the friendly neighborhood swinging hero.  Tom is just spectacular, especially during that pivotal moment in his journey that sets up the very climatic and overwhelmingly emotional final act.  I was nearly in tears seeing Peter so conflicted, broken and damn near hopeless.....but it very well felt like something that NEEDED to happen in his progression as the character to finally feel more like Spider-man than ever!  I hope it's true about the next trilogy already being in the works for the MCU's Spider-man because the way the film ends in particular is one of the greatest Spider-man moments captured onscreen.  One that encapsulates the character in too many ways it would be almost criminal NOT to follow Peter on the next chapter as a more adult, matured Peter Parker and an even more comic accurate Spider-man. ;)

The supporting cast, like I said, haven't really seen the previous films to past judgement as Peter's team of friends/allies but they do a great job here, especially Zendaya as Peter's love interest, MJ.  Zendaya really is a treasure of an actress and she some of the film's most memorable emotionally resonating moments, like the during the final act of the film. :_(  I really adore her relationship with Peter and she has tremendous chemistry with Holland that is so adorable and real. You can definitely see why they fell for each other and it works probably the best it ever has, but I know would need to see the previous two to make that comparison but man, they really are a terrific onscreen pair. :)  Then there, Ned, Peter's best friend, played by Jacob Batalon, who when not assisting Peter on the field alongside MJ, is pretty much the comedic relief character of the film.  I thought he was perfectly fine and I know his character takes A LOT from the Miles Morales side of the Spider-man lore but works here for me.  Jacob also manages to give an amazing performance toward the end of the film that really just warms your heart.  These three characters work so well together and I honestly can't wait to see more of this trio in the future.

Then you have Aunt May, played by Marisa Tomei, who knows her brilliant nephew is Spider-man and tries her best to encourage Peter during his hour of complete darkness and despair.  I love her scenes with Peter and Marisa really captures the spirit of May Parker, no matter how ridiculously young and attractive this version of her is. lol  Happy Hogan, played by Jon Favreau also returns and seemingly has a smaller role than usual but I'm not surprised given how much story and characters they had to cram into this film.  Once again, he's a comic relief character but he makes the most of his screentime when he is present.  Of course, I can't forget about the elusive Doctor Strange aka Benedict Cumberbatch making an important appearance here in the story that takes place here.  Dr. Strange is as sarcastic and smug as ever, but I like how they softened him up throughout with Peter coming to him about his new predicament with the world knowing he and Spider-man are in the same.  It makes the climax of the film all the more heartbreaking when you know their relationship won't be the same after this film. Sorry, can't tell you! Watch it in theaters NOW! :P  Wong also makes an appearance but once again feels more like a cameo.  Seriously, he was in "Shang-Chi" so briefly you can almost say he wasn't there and here, he's just wise cracking watchful eye of Dr. Strange when he wants to help Peter with a dangerous spell.  But it's always great to see him, I just wish they gave Benedict Wong more to do if they're gonna included him in other films outside of Dr. Strange.  Guess we'll just have to wait until Dr. Strange 2 to see him being used proper. ;)

Of course, I can't talk about this film without talking about the rouge's gallery of Spider-man villains that appear from previous Spider-man films who make it to our universe thanks to Dr. Strange's spell.  While I won't go in-depth with the Sinister Five (and seriously, only FIVE when there should have been SIX! Hmmmm, maybe if there had been an Amazing Spider-man 3! :P) but I will talk about the three with the most screentime and standout the most.  Alfred Molina returns as Doc Ock or Doctor Otto Octavius, especially during a marvelous (sorry!) action sequence between him and Holland's Spider-man on a bridge.  He definitely has lost it as the menacing brilliant scientist turned multi-tentacled mastermind that was apart of what made "Spider-man 2" one of the greatest superhero films til this day. He works off Holland's Peter really well and the direction the film takes his character is so unforeseen but kind of shocking and refreshing at the same time.  Definitely helped shake things up during the final battle for sure. Next is Jamie Foxx's Max Dillon aka Electro, who you've seen has gotten a massive makeover given his entrance into the MCU.  And I gotta say I love the most comic accurate Electro, this time being more inspired by his original look in the Marvel comics. He is solid as Dillon, both hilarious and coming off so overconfident and ready to make this new world his home given the technology as his disposal to make him an even stronger conductor of electricity and lightning.  But even with those two returning and does a great job as their respective enemy, nothing and I mean NOTHING compares to William Dafoe's return as Norman Osborn/Green Goblin.  If you want to talk about not missing a beat, William is possibly more terrifying here than he was in his first film. YIKES!!! Every line delivered and keeping that demented split personality between the man and monster was so well done. 

Honestly, it made perfect sense for Green Goblin to be the most impact of the villains that made it into the MCU, especially in helping give Peter his toughest and most emotional solo fight yet.  I honestly can't believe the writers went there with Goblin in this movie but it's all the better for it, especially in how it helps bring Peter closer to the Spider-man of legend in the comics. Peter has always been about inner turmoil and an overwhelming sense of responsibility that I am so glad that it was finally put front and center as the message of Peter's evolution as Spider-man.  Finally Peter realizes that being Spider-man is about making the tough decisions, especially when it's at the cost of who you are when they are much greater things at stake.  Once again bravo to the writers here as well as Jon Watts in delivering possibly his most visually entertaining and truly visceral film yet.  I remember fans complaining about the MCU Spider-man films not being as brutal and violent as the films of the past but man, let me tell you there is one fight scene in particular between Peter and Goblin that is beyond even the level of the fight between Peter and Goblin at the end of the first Spider-man.  And I am absolutely NOT kidding! Holy crap! In every possible way, this film pushed Peter to his limits, forcing on him lessons and setting him up for seemingly greater battles to come given what he goes through here.  Honestly, that's all I can say about the film without any spoilers and man I had a lot to say without spoilers! lol I think I might hold off on a spoiler review....for no away! ;)

"As the concluding chapter in the MCU's Spidey-Home trilogy, "No Way Home" is an ambitious, adventurous piece of cinema that will keep fans and audiences talking for years to come.  It's everything one could want in a Spider-man story filled with so many surprises, twists and turns that it is sometimes hard to believe what you are witnessing before your eyes on the big screen.  It brings back some of Spider-man's most iconic villains with respect and heart to how they were portrayed in their respective films but builds on them here tremendously.  The supporting cast is strong all across the board as well as the action sequences being some of the most mind blowing, visually spectacular moments of the cinematic universe as a whole so far.  But more importantly, Tom Holland's Spider-man finally grows up in ways that are unimaginable and truly the heart of what makes Peter Parker/Spider-man such a loved character that so many can see themselves in when facing the most horrific times of their life....but rising above it because "with great power, comes great responsibility." :_)

Final Film Score: A+


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