Season 24, Episode 20: Galvanax Rises
"Galvanax Rises"
Episode 20
Air Date: November 18th, 2017
Well.....that finale was......meh! O_O That's all I can truly say about the overall quality of it. It was about as average of an episode as an episode of Ninja Steel can get. Idk, with such an awesome set up of Galvanax getting his hands on all the throwing stars the rangers had (minus one Mick so happened to still have??? -_-), that the episode couldn't have been more climatic. Honestly, this finale feels a lot like the season as a whole, wanting to do or be more but feeling very compressed and having to shoehorn things that just don't make sense! I mean Victor and Monty making a larger version of the magnet that can attract Ninja Steel but being shocked that Odius is using it against the rangers!?? My god, are these two THAT stupid!?? Ewwww! O_o How are they even able to build such a contraption like that anyway??? With the aliens' resources I guess??? I mean the episode does start off right where we pretty much left off with Galvanax having their throwing stars thanks to Victor and Monty's metal detector; which he wastes no time in using to steal 5 of the rangers' power stars when they fight a group of Kudabots. All but Brody and his power star are captured as Galvanax sends the rest of them to his ship. Luckily, Mick comes in to help Brody escape since he's outnumbered.
It's awesome seeing the rangers finally on the Galaxy Warriors stage with Cosmo Royal but it is utterly too short and wasted in my opinion. Back on Earth, Mick and Brody are frantic about what to do next when RedBot tells them that asteroid with the Ninja Steel in it is heading toward Earth as it would be their chance to get it. But without the throwing stars, they can't summon the zord that can fly in know....the UFO one....because aliens and ninjas are apparently a thing in mythology!??? O_o Anyway, as Mick suggests they use the Mega Morph star to melt down and make a new zord star, Galvanax arrives with his kudabots to take Brody's power star and if he doesn't, he'll destroy his friends as a bunch of kudabots teleport in with the captured rangers. For some reason, Brody gets the dumb idea to break his power star like his father did all those years ago to the Ninja Nexus Star and proceeds to use his father's sword to break it into 3 pieces; causing a massive explosion like 10 years ago before his father went missing. Ummmmmm 1) How is it that a simple samurai sword (Not even a ninja sword I might add! -_-) can break the power star so easily??? What is that thing made out of if Ninja Steel and the power stars are suppose to be so damn powerful!??? -_-
Then for come reason the power star become 3 red power stars that form inside the Nexus Prism....kinda like what happened before but whatever. Apparently, the Nexus Prism protected Brody and Mick with the new power stars as they escape the prism to reveal they are both Red Rangers now. Because!!!! As for the third power star.....Brody's dad turns out to be the third red ranger as he was in the prism the entire time........and yet the Prism didn't let Brody and Levi know that this whole time!??? O_O Ummmm....WHAT!??? All these random visions that sentient Fidget Spinner and you couldn't show that his father was healing aka being protected in the prism all this time!??? Would have made an interesting plot twist for Brody and the other rangers having to work harder to release his dad from the Prism's power but.....whatever! What would have made sense doesn't need to be written and put onscreen! Bah!
Anyway, all 8 rangers now combine forces for their final battle with Galvanax....which is beyond anti-climatic and disappointing. O_O WOW!!! I mean it takes a lot to destroy him with the prism itself helping the rangers to combine all their powers to defeat him but doesn't exactly make Galvanax out to be the big bad like this season tried to make him. Honestly, he was as forgettable as any random monster of the week that doesn't leave a lasting impression on the show or the rangers themselves. He was so generic in how he talk and wasn't nearly as proactive or even smart enough to realize that Madame Odius was the one behind the betrayal the whole time! -_- Seriously, what a waste of a villain! But now with the Nexus Prism damaged, the rangers' power stars become powerless and turn to dust but luckily Madame Odius and Galanax's ship have been blasted back into space....where Odius rises as to become the main villain for Season 2 thank god! She was only decent villain this season with plans and motives that came the closest to defeating the rangers by keeping everyone wondering what was going on so kudos! So now the Ninja family is back together and the rangers' mission is apparently over...but of course it's not! :P Idk.....I was more interested in the set-up for Season 2 than the finale itself which was so basic and nothing special at all. :( Sadly!
Final Morph: C
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