Season 24, Episode 16: Monkey Business

"Monkey Business"
Episode 16
Air Date: October 14th, 2017

It's always fun having episodes where two rangers are competing for some title or event that builds up some nice animosity to shake things up for the dynamic of the group.  We've seen Calvin and Haley all lovey dovey all season as a couple but it definitely was a refreshing brake from usual to see the two running for Class President, especially when Haley thinks Calvin doesn't have what it takes given his personality.  It makes for some genuine heartwarming, not to mention hilarious scenes as they both try to bribe their way into the hearts of the students at Summer Cover High School to make sure they get the most votes. Although, why they had to add Victor and Monty to the story is beyond me but that darn mandate for a comic relief duo can't even take a break for ONE episode!!!???  Jesus! O_o They don't have to be involved in every plot or side plot to witness their tired and over the top, animation type slap stick that makes no sense even in the context of the main PR universe.  Seriously, how are these two even still going to high school and NOT at least expelled for these obnoxious shenanigans that have gotten them into trouble so many times???  Are we even going to forget how Victor lied about saving those people at Levi's concert??? -_-  Ewwwwww!!!

As for the monster of the know.....Sentai has come up with some of the silliest looking/themed monsters in the past a plenty but I think Phonepanzee takes the cake as one of, if not the dumbest! O_O  It's an overgrown ape monster with a landline phone attached to his body; which he uses to fool the rangers repeatedly throughout the episode by copying their voices with it.  It's beyond absurd and trivial but what can you do honestly??? I mean in terms of a one off monster, he came very close to defeating the rangers here surprisingly as it was smart, even entertaining seeing him tricking the rangers one by one and actually acquiring three power stars while doing so.  There's also this forced message about not believing everything you here and I get it, but how are the rangers to know when the voices are so authentic.  Sure, I understand the fact that the rangers knew Phonepanzee used their voices in battle but I don't think it's out of the ordinary for them to be convinced by their friends' voices when it had to do with the presidential run.  But luckily, Phonepazee makes a mistake when calling Levi when Haley is right in front of him, leaving the last 3 rangers to free their friends and get their power stars back.

We get a nice action sequence with Gold and White while Blue uses his ninja stealth attire to fire the others from the Basherbots. I'm really glad those things are being used outside of the morph sequence as they do look really cool in action. Meanwhile, the rest of the team regroups as all six rangers morph and take out Phonepanzee with their morphers that can turn into various weapons like bows, a claw, etc.  They kind of remind me of the Transdaggers from Lost Galaxy! :)  As Phonepanzee is made to GIGANTIFY, the rangers call on their zords to form the Ninja Steel Megazord and Bull Rider Megazord respectively to destroy him once and for all.  In the end, Haley and Calvin decide their relationship is more important and drop out of the race, blah, blah, blah but it was an enormously fun story that utilizes the high school setting more which I feel doesn't get much attention outside of Victor and Monty being Pinky and the Brain but with thumbs! :P  

Final Morph: B+


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