Season 24, Christmas Special: Past, Presents and Future

"Past, Presents and Future"
Christmas Special
Air Date: December 2nd, 2017
What the!??? O_O These holidays specials are turning out to be more awesome than the usual show itself!!! LOL Once again, no Victor and Monty! No lame Galvanax or over the top cartoony none-sense! Not even a forced moral lesson! Just an overall great and exciting story from start to finish that manages to incorporate Christmas theme with a time travel storyline that for the most part, feels reasonable and makes sense?!! O_o Seriously, what the hell!??? Sure there are some plotholes when you think about it like how the hell can Brody summon his Lion Fire Armor when only the Red Power Star exists now or how the hell his RoboRed Zord is suddenly active when the zord stars were destroy but all that can be looked over when the episode for the most part kept me and I hope most viewers in the story it was telling. Nice to have Sarah at the center of the story again (Jesus, Chrysti Ane is too gorgeous for words!!! <3<3<3 :) but its a great tale about what really matters on Christmas without having Santa or Mick having to spell out the lesson for them. Once again, it's mostly a clip show but a clip show done well by managing to tell a good story while also using flashbacks to give the story some merit in the long run of the series. Cleocatra aka Cat O' Clock's cousin (Oh boy! O_o) lol returns on Christmas to get revenge on the rangers by freezing them like her cousin did before (Tho Redbot also froze this time??? Was it because he wasn't holding his book the first time? O_o Need to re-watch that episode just in case! lol)
Luckily, Sarah is able to escape the freeze, steal Cleocatra's own device, while also somehow conveniently bumping into Santa while running away from the monster.....cause Santa happened to be the neighborhood??? O_o Nah, it turns out he was there cause of the other rangers wanting to surprise Sarah with their gift to her but whatever, Santa and Sarah get stuck in a time hole thanks to Sarah's meddling with the device. Without their power stars, the rangers are defenseless against her....until Sarah realizes she can go back in time to previous ranger events (the flashbacks) to temporarily borrow their power stars from the past to save her friends in the present. And I actually love how it's down with both some genuinely hilarious moments like when Sarah is beyond shocked it was so easy to get Hayley and Calvin to give her their power stars when they should have been way more suspicious lol. But the best moment would have to be when Sarah goes back to the finale and encounters Mick and Brody after the rangers are captured to get Brody's power star. The emotion and the way the scene was written was really well done; meshing both crisis(ses?) at the same time but Sarah making sure the timeline won't change with Brody wondering how they will win. WOW! :)
Luckily, Sarah manages to get back to the past when the rangers were frozen to unfreeze them as they use their past power stars to morph again into the Ninja Steel Rangers. Would have been nice to have them do the morph pose and sequence to make the moment more triumphant that they got their powers back but I guess we'll just save that for "Ninja Super Steel" then??? O_o Also, Brody becomes giant sized and is helped by Robo Red when it doesn't make sense like I said. Maybe it's because of the power star's presence in the present.....but the Nexus Prism in the present is still heavily damage so......My head hurts! Power Rangers will NEVER get time travel complete right I swear! it's impossible at this point! -_- But regardless, this was a pretty spectacular special with a lot of heart, great humor and story that feels great for the holidays as well as a standalone adventure by itself. :)
Final Morph: A
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