Season 25, Episode 1: Echoes of Evil

"Echoes of Evil"
Episode 1
Air Date: January 18th, 2018
As usual for a show during this era of the franchise, as one season ends, a Super season rises following year. This time, "Super Ninja Steel"....yet I find it funny how Lynn manages to call it "Ninja Supersteel" in the show various times as if he wanted THAT to be the official title of the show's second season instead of Nick's usual horrendous "Super" naming mandate. Cause seriously, it sounds more legit and to be taken....well.....seriously! -_- But I digress, at least the mediocrity that is the show's new title, the second season premiere of the show is actually pretty awesome. :) It works well in setting up the new status quo for the next chapter in the Ninja Steel Rangers battle to protect their Power Stars which return, now forged from "Ninja Supersteel" that came from the asteroid that destroyed Galvanax's ship but Madame Odius thankfully severed. And thank God, as she is already more productive in fighting the rangers and moving the plot along in one episode than Galvanax was the entirety of the first damn season. -_- But first I have to mention the sudden surprise of Sledge and his crew returning....via the black hole that sucked them supposedly to oblivion. Yes, it's finally confirmed that Dino Charge/Supercharge took place in it's own universe like RPM....but I'm just more happy to see Sledge again, even interacting with Odius and her new minions now that she has full control of Galvanax's surviving forces. Too bad it's just....just a quick cameo as Sledge just helps rebuild Odius' ship back to normal in exchange for the Super Ninja Steel in the asteroid. Or at least was!
Thanks to one of Sledge's prisoners aligning herself with Odius, Badonna, who looks like a Geisha themed monster (Hmmmm, interesting! O_o), she manages to steal all the Supersteel and give it to Odius who freed her in exchange of tricking Sledge for her freedom. Meanwhile, summer break is over and the rangers return to Summer Cove High; seemingly happier than ever, especially now that Levi and Brody have their dad back in their lives. Tho I wonder how Dane Romero has been getting back to normal life after being trapped in the Prism for 10 years and is still the same age. It's the same thing with Tyler's father last year that was never explored but I hope sets explored here. What does that do to you? How will the people you haven't seen in a decade gonna react to you returning like it was yesterday and looking the exact same way you did??? O_o Anyway, after Victor and Monty remind us how annoying they still are, the rangers head back to their base as Redbot tells them someone is returning to Earth as a portal begins to open in their base. As they prepare to fight, it's only Mick! Who while everyone is so happy to see, has come back with urgent news of Galaxy Warriors being back with Madame Odius as the new leader in charge of the show and wants the Nexus Prism to create more power stars.
I absolutely love how the rangers immediately use ingenuity as well as plan a trap for Odius, using the fact she doesn't know the Prism is currently damaged to their advantage by making sure she's never able to use its power. It's just great seeing the rangers think for themselves and be smart; not to mention using their stealth suits again to go into battle even without their powers to face off against Odius, Badonna and the latest contestant on Galaxy Warriors: Smellephant....... Tho I'm more bothered by the fact that Preston still some how has his magic when the power stars are gone and Prism is damaged??? O_o Is it because of the presence of the Supersteel??? Doesn't make sense! But anyway, it's an awesome confrontation, showing Madame Odius is no fool; managing to reverse the rangers' trap with her own DARK magic. Seriously, I'm already LOVING her as the new main villain. Thank God! Anyway, as Odius uses her magic to shockingly repair the Nexus Prism, she quickly uses the some Supersteel to make EVIL power stars. But luckily with Preston's magic, the rangers are able to escape fight off her forces while also stopping her spell. Suddenly, the Prism takes the opportunity to form new power stars, element stars and zord stars for rangers. Ummm hell yes!!! :)
It's great seeing the Ninja Steel rangers again, especially now that Brody can summon the Lion Fire armor again as well as the Lion Fire Zord to create the Lion Fire Megazord to fight off Smellephant when Cosmo GIGANTIFYS him for the show. Overall, this was a great premiere in setting things up for what's to come as Mick is now back to assist the team as their Ninja star maker and Odius seems more focused on getting the rangers out of her way than Galvanax. We can only hope! No I'm not talking about the insufferable farting gag by Victor and god! Some send an asteroid to kill those two already! O_O -_-
Final Morph: A-
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