Season 24, Episode 17: The Adventures of Redbot

"The Adventures of Redbot"
Episode 17
Air Date: October 17th, 2017

I suppose getting a focused episode on the Red one isn't bad considering the last one was one of the better episodes.  But once again, why did Victor and Monty need to be shoved into the main plot??? I can barely tolerate them with their moronic side plots yet you have them here as Redbot's agents when he becomes the newest writing sensation when his blog's fanfiction garners him fans around the city.  Of course, the episode is a message about forging made up stories and making people think you're a hero when you are lyin to them.  I suppose its a good lesson for kids to inspire to be an actual hero than telling tall tales about it just so people can love you but honestly, it's not anything new that this show hasn't already covered tho I find the Redbot fantasy saves hilarious.  Like when he saves Levi's greatest fan from that falling debris when he retells the story of when his live concert was attacked but making himself the hero that day.  We actually get to see Mary Masters return in this episode as she is the first one to discover among Redbot's newest fans that he is in fact a fraud.  It's nice to see some continuity with characters in this show which we haven't gotten enough of during this era of the show.

Of course, her appearance also leads to a moment where Redbot actually saves her when a train almost runs her over thanks to the monster of the week's latest.  Yes, this time, Cat O'Clock.......just go with it at this point, you know the drill but still....of all the puns, that's what you decide to go with??? Why not Cat Clocker at least???  That would have made more sense.....dear God, I'm trying to make sense of the monsters' silly names again.  Oh boy! O_O  Anyway, I suppose Cat O'Clock's plan wasn't bad, it's just kind of bizarrely elaborate with him using Redbot's books to send a signal that will freeze everyone in place in town who has a copy of it.  Why not just freeze the rangers themselves, without the books and just steal their power stars that way??? O_o  But I guess the monster had to have some goofy motif to make it work and freezing people by sending a certain frequency through his remote into the object they're holding.....yeah....I don't get it either. O_o

As always the rangers are saved thanks to one of their allies, this time Redbot himself, being able to help them when they are frozen in place.  After he and Levi manage to find and save Mary, the six rangers regroup and fight off Cat O' Clock until he is mad to grow and the rangers summon their Rumble Tusk Ninja Steel Megazord to finally help in destroying him once and for all.  Overall, the episode like I said was decent, it was entertaining enough despite not being much of anything special. 

Final Morph: C


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