Season 25, Episode 5: Game Plan

"Game Plan"
Episode 5
Air Date: February 24th, 2018's been a while since an episode has made be THIS irritated, annoyed and simply baffled by how bad it was but after a stronger start so far this season than last with the first four episodes, episode five feels like such a bizarre anomaly compared to it.  As if the writers just took a break creatively for an episode and left "Game Plan" complete vacant of even common sense and how humans beings would react in situation genuinely instead of making the dumbest decisions that ultimately makes things so much worse I couldn't believe what I was watching.  For love of god, I just knew the Game Goblin concept who be a horrifying idea in the making from just how utterly stupid it was seeing the villains talking to his very Nintendo graphic on the big screen during Galaxy Warriors....Oh boy, so everyone, especially thanks to Preston becomes obsessed with the new game...well, except Levi because I guess that's too human for him or whatever considering he's still a fish out of water kinda. But thanks to Preston and everyone getting more points and advancing to the next level, four of the rangers become trapped in the game; leading to Game Goblin to reveal himself and begin....uhhh.....SIGH......

I just don't get how ANYONE can tolerate this episode with the monster constantly getting more powerful then losing his power then gaining his power then gaining more power then......over and over and over because of people playing the game! Then him temporarily controlling the rangers one by one got old....FAST!!! -_-  Not to mention, the decisions characters make throughout this episode are unfathomably dumb! Preston realizes he made a mistake with the game and just decides to head in their to help the rangers instead of helping Mick and Levi!!??? O_O  What the hell dude!? And because you did that you become Game Goblin's new servant and try to destroy your friends for their power stars.  Then of course, Victor and Monty getting their dumbest schtick yet with having to distract the school's secretary while fishing for Victor's confiscated Game Goblin....and end up getting caught in such a way that it's no wonder these two never suffer any permanent consequences for their actions!!!  Victor's fishing rod is RIGHT IN FRONT of the secretary's face but she doesn't notice it until it hooks onto her wig and takes it!!!!! My word.....what idiotic world is this??? Is this REALLY the main universe of the show??? Then again maybe these people are distant relatives of the woman who told a literal girl that monster don't exists when they attack the city everyday!!!!! O_O

Anyway, Mick and Levi....come up with the make Levi turn green to stop people from playing the game! I repeat, Levi is clearly painted green with a mop on his head and everyone believes them by freaking out and immediately stopping to play the game. I.....and Levi later asks why Mick didn't just shape shift his skin green??!!!  Really?!! That's the dumb part of the plan you realized!??? Summer Cove is officially dumber than Angel Grove's population!!! -_-  Anyway, the rangers summon their zords in the game and use various megazord formations to finally destroy game Goblin for good when he is made to GIGANTIFY....but they are in the game know what! Semantics at this point!!! O_o Anyway, the episode ends with Badonna foreshadowing the arrival of the Galactic can only hope they are a far cry from the quality of this episode and oh look....the game REALLY does turn your skin green thanks to some horrendous last joke with Cosmo.......SKIP THIS EPISODE PLEASE!!!
Final Morph: F(-)


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