Captain America: The First Avenger Review

Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)
Directed by: Joe Johnston
Written by: Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely
Starring: Chris Evans, Hugo Weaving, Sebastian Stan, Tommy Lee Jones, etc.
As far as superhero origin films go, "Captain America: The First Avenger" can be a sometimes thoroughly inspiring yet by the numbers type of hero's journey with the titular Steve Rogers starting as the cliche yet ultimate underdog given the chance to be something greater during a fictionalized WWII era where the US is in desperate need to turn the tide of the ongoing battle to defeat the Nazis; especially when one of its deadliest men obtains the most powerful of weapons to not only secure victory but obliterate the entire world in the process. "Captain America" is you vintage period piece film with the superhero genre trappings that work for the most part but it doesn't do anything really new or riveting with it even given its setting. If anything, Warner Bros. "Wonder Woman" did a far better job during its fantasy epic meets WWI setting with Diana rising to the occasion to be the hero that the world desperately needed to undercover the true enemy behind the madness of war. Chris Evans was no stranger to the world of comic book films given prior to his return to the genre in 2011 with the very first Cap., he had played yet another iconic Marvel superhero, this time in the form of Johnny Storm with 2005's extremely mediocre but serviceable "Fantastic Four" and less stellar sequel "Rise of the Silver Surfer". Given how lukewarm the criticism and success of those films garnered, it's not surprising Chris has to be seriously convinced by Kevin Feige to return to Marvel. But thank God he was as he is exceptionally charismatic and likable as the Brooklyn born aspiring war hero who has all the heart to keep fighting but anything but the strength and stamina to make an impression. If anything, Evans' turn as Star Spangled Man is the best part of the film; encompassing the essence of the 1940s age of classic patriotism but the hopeful instinct within a man with the world around him being so much bigger than people see the swanky young man.
In comes German scientist, Dr. Abraham Erskine, who has recently made a breakthrough with a super soldier serum that the US hopes to use to make a countless army of superhuman fighters to completely turn the tide of the war. I like Dr. Abraham and not just because of Stanley Tucci giving him some amazing depth as well as the heartwarming relationship he builds with Steve, but all the things he sees in him that leads him into becoming the Captain America we know and love. The rest of the supporting cast is also a fine ensemble of characters from Sebastian Stan's Sergeant James "Bucky" Barnes to Tommy Lee Jones' Colonel Chester Phillips who help in pushing Cap forward in his personal mission of triumph in the face of overwhelming adversity. It's especially nice to see Bucky and Steve's relationship pre-super solider serum. The effects for Steve's scrawny, skinny body do look goofy as hell in terms of the effects as you can clearly tell it's just Chris Evans' head on someone else's body but it's his priceless interaction with his army best bud as well as the hilarious Colonel that makes scenes with Steve shine as he embraces what makes him a hero even before the serum. Then you have Peggy Carter aka Agent Carter, Steve's love interest but a standout character in her own right. I love how she is so smug and straightforward, especially being a woman in the army during the 40s. Hayley Atwell's performance is strong, not to mention having some wonderful chemistry with Evans when the two are building on their romance. :)
Another major player in the cast that is great to see is Howard Stark aka Tony's dad as he becomes a major funder for the US army during WWII as Stark Industries rises as the leading engineer in weaponry. It was nice to finally see Tony's dad on the big screen, especially considering how big and instrumental he played a part in his son's life in taking over the famous company. Dominic Cooper does a stellar job of playing the father of the future Ironman and I loved his relationship with Steve, especially when it leads to him introducing Steve to his iconic shield made of vibranium. It's nice to see that introduced into the MCU, especially since this was 7 years before we would actually get to see the homeland of the world's strongest metal aka Wakanda in Black Panther. Not to be forgotten is Cap's assembly of war heroes he makes as his backing team during missions in the form of Timothy Dugan, Gabe Jones, Jim Morita and James Falsworth. I wish we got more time with these characters as they seemed like awesome supporting characters, especially on the field. Neal McDonough and Derek Luke are definitely standouts for their characters, bringing with them so much charisma and life to their small but substantially entertaining roles. :)
I guess I should go onto the villain(s) of the film and once again, for the MCU, they aren't exactly the greatest of enemies to begin with no matter how much the film tries to show us they are. H.Y.D.R.A., the science division of the NAZI army isn't exactly as intimidating as they could have been. Sure they are a tough bunch in numbers but don't make up for the most charismatic of henchmen besides being some Cap can punch and kick to display his impressive new superhuman abilities. Dr. Arnim Zola, the top scientist in developing H.Y.D.R.A.'s weaponry is rather slimy but serviceable if not overall forgettable. We're suppose to seemingly feel for him as he struggles with his turn to the dark side but he doesn't much of an impression at all. Then of course is Johann Schmidt aka the Red Skull, played by the always reliable and brilliant Hugo Weaving, the leader of H.Y.D.R.A. I think I would have loved more backstory on and how he became Dr. Erskine's first test for the super soldier serum. I think it's because Schmidt comes off as your typical "crush, kill, destroy" villain. An antagonist after great power just because he wants great power to conquer the world. Doesn't really give him the most complex of motivations even if it does contribute more to the growing infinity stones plot that they were setting up in Phase 1.
But one thing the film is great at is action sequences or rather recreating old school type action sequences with modern CGI flare. Seeing Cap in action is awesome and unbelievable, especially when he uses that shield for the first time. I just wish most of the action wasn't excluded to extended action montages, cause when we actually do see Steve fighting and utilizing his enhanced abilities alongside his signature shield, it's glorious! I'd say every action scene holds up nicely....until the very last fight between Cap and Red Skull himself. Even the Red Skull's defeat isn't that tough and is more of his undoing; leaving his fate rather vague and unknown. Sigh..... But like I said, what holds the film together is Chris Evans' very real, simplistic yet sympathetic performance as Steve that makes him even the most believable when he becomes a living, breathing superhero. He has a great leading man onscreen presents that was just touched upon here in a rather by the numbers introduction film but it certainly leaves room for far much to be explored with the character in the FAR superior sequels. :)
"A retro blast from the past action adventure film depicting the rise of the future leader of the Avengers, "Captain America: The First Avenger" mixes old time-y patriotism with traditional heroism and larger than life battle sequences to explore the transformation of Steve Rogers into the legendary red, white and blue soldier that helped 1940s America win WWII. Unfortunately, the villains are basic and average antagonists and the film doesn't exactly break new ground in terms of pushing the genre forward. It would have been nice to have more depth in the film than its more standard All American approach to the story but this is a decent MCU solo entry that sets the groundwork for even bigger and better character development that lies ahead for the metal shield powerhouse Patriot." :)
Final Film Score: C
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