Season 25, Episode 2: Moment of Truth

"Moment of Truth"
Episode 2
Air Date: February 3rd, 2018

WOW! O_O  I wasn't expecting to enjoy this episode so much but I think the writers did a superb in interconnecting the two plots of the episode by seamlessly making one have a very genuine and realistic consequence to the other.  I have to say, I haven't really bought much into Calvin and Hayley's relationship since last season.  While it's been great to have a steady couple on a team from the very beginning of the show, they haven't exactly been the most convincing of characters who are romantically connected.  I think it was more so the chemistry between the actors, I was the most I have ever been invested in their relationship as the story, not to mention both actors really pull off the genuine warmth and nuance of such a open, honest relationship.  I love how this felt like a natural, everyday dilemma with Calvin forgetting their anniversary while Hayley is all excited about their annual dinner.  Calvin, naturally lies about it, and tries to get Preston to help him cover up his lie so he doesn't upset Hayley on their anniversary.  Not only was it well written and believable but even hilarious at times with the comedic timing of both actors, Peter and Nico, making the scenes really work like when Brody and Levi are out with them asking about Hayley's secret gift.

By episode's end, we get a nice resolution between the two with Calvin finally fessing up and having a nice breakthrough in his relationship with Hayley as she would rather him be honest with her than be mad at him for forgetting their anniversary, especially since she knows Calvin to well aka forgets things.  It's something that was previously established and so well built upon here that it made their relationship look even more authentic, not to mention heartwarming.  WOW! :) Then you have the monster of the week plot, which usually silly, actually gives more stakes and urgency when its Calvin's lies that are giving it strength.  Yes, it's like the Whole Lie from Turbo but not incredibly ear deafening!!! :) Here, Deceptron's gimmick actually helps the push the main story forward and begin some character development for Calvin in coming clean. Also, it's nice to see a monster managing to keep the rangers on their toes instead of it being an enemy that is more than beatable.  Of course, the plot resolution of Calvin telling the truth reversing the bolt spell on their power stars was a bit on the nose, but it does help with the moral message of telling the truth and honesty being the best solution to a problem, blah, blah, blah etc. lol

It was also nice to see the rangers able to call on their other zords again, with even more powerful modes than the last since it's Ninja Super Steel or Super Ninja Steel (oh just pick a name show, instead of having the characters go back and forth! :P)  Yes, the rangers are now able to summon Super Ninja Master mode as well as the Ninja Supersteel blaster than helps to create an even more powerful finisher when they combine their zords to form the Ninja Steel Ultrazord.  .....If I HAVE to mention them, Victor and Monty's schtick here is probably the dumbest one yet with Victor sacrificing his sight just because Monty tells him his new sunglasses are so great looking.....yes, because random bumping into things and causing a mess all over you is worth looking good!??? O_o  Seriously, why do they exist! STOP EXISTING! Or atleast exist MUCH less! GAH!!!  Either way, "Moment of Truth" manages to provide some very solid relationship and character development for Calvin and Hayley (romantic anniversary calendars and all! EHHH, how cute! :), make a pretty convincing threat out of the rangers' civilian story with a decent monster villain and some really nice action! :)

Final Morph: A-


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